Say you've got another shot At sasving Christmas eve in you These other eleves they don it konw where to turn Take a good long at me Cause somehow I believe in you That kind of elf belief you have to earn So stop and think Cause you konw what is in store And an elf with that much vision Is an elf worth fighting for But before I do the big hard sell for you I need to konw what kind of elf are you Sink of swim do die Make a stand or stand by When everyone around you waht to run and hide It is time to decide waht kind of elf you wanna be You've got brains I konw you have You've brains enough for two in there So come up wich the plan save the day Think back over everyting There has to be a clue in there You tind it and we are with you the way So stop and think Of the children big and small Cause a christmas without santa Doesn it sound much fun at all Sink of swim do of die Worth a shot worth the try When everyone around you what to run and hide It is time to decide waht kind of elf Look,If you say that you trust me Than okay is I all trust you too As long as children believen in santa Than i won it give up on you So stop stop I can put this right I swear to you I all have the big man flying high tonight Sink or swim do or die Rally round or say goodbye Each on of you is a hero if you only knew So who is on my crew i need you And you and you and you an Sink of swim do or die What a team you and you and you and I when everyone around you waht is to run and hide It is time to decide what kind of elf you wanna be Are you an of like that Or an elf like me