Do you notice that this is the depths of despair already? I'm struggling desperately here... Are you ready? I'm ready. 絶望に染め上げ…さぁ始めようか 誘い目醒めた心の闇よ 全てを導け I sing for you at the risk of my life 君に届けたいこの想い もう一度強く光り輝くあの場所へと When will I pay off? 祈り続けて 透き通る闇をこの胸の内に秘め またひとつ失い気付かずに傷付けて 耐え続けることは俺に何を与えるのか 果てしなき孤独よ… Where is the hope? Where is the happiness Was there that from the beginning? Why was I crying? But I still... I sing for you at the risk of my life 君に届けたいこの想い もう一度強く光り輝くあの場所へと I sing for you ただひとつ