You think I'd leave your side baby, 你以为我会离你而去 you know me better than that 你知道我不会的 You think I'd leave you down 你以为我会放弃你 when you're down on your knees 当你双膝下跪 I wouldn't do that 我不会的 I'll tell you you're right when you want, 我会给你信心,只要你想 And if only you could see into me 如果你能看见我 Oh when you're cold, I'll be there 哦,当你难耐严寒,我会在你身边 Hold you tight to me 紧紧抱住你 When you're on the outside baby 当你在外 and you can't get in 当你无家可归 I will show you you're so much better than you know 我会让你知道你比你想的要好太多 When you're lost and you're alone 当你迷茫无助 and you can't get back again 当你无路可走 I'll find you darling and I'll bring you home 我会找到你,亲爱的,我会带你回家 And if you want to cry, I am here to dry your eyes 如果你想哭,我会在你身边,为你拭去眼泪 And in no time you'll be fine 你会没事的 You think I'd leave your side baby, 你以为我会离你而去 you know me better than that 你知道我不会的 You think I'd leave you down 你以为我会放弃你 when you're down on your knees 当你双膝下跪 I wouldn't do that 我不会的 I'll tell you you're right when you want, 我会给你信心,只要你想 If only you could see into me 如果你能看见我 Oh when you're cold, I'll be there 哦,当你难耐严寒???我会在你身边 Hold you tight to me, to me, yea 紧紧抱住你 When you're low, I'll be there 当你功败垂成时,我会在你身边 By your side, by your side, baby 我将永远在这,在你身边 Oh when you're cold, I'll be there 哦,当你难耐严寒,我会在你身边 Hold you tight to me, to me, yea 紧紧抱住你 Oh when you're low, I'll be there 当你功败垂成时,我会在你身边 By your side baby 亲爱的,我会在你身边