曾经光明的地方 Where once was light 已被黑暗笼罩 Now darkness falls 曾经有爱的地方 Where once was love 爱已不再 Love is no more 别说再见 Don't say Goodbye 别说我未曾努力 Don't say I didn't try 我们流过的泪水 These tears we cry 如雨般垂落 are falling rain 为了你对我的欺骗 For all the lies you told us 伤害和指责! The hurt, the blame 我们因为如此孤独而哭泣 And we will weep to be so alone 我们迷失了 We are lost 再也不能回家 We can never go home 当结局来临 So in the end 我会找到自己的归宿 I'll be what I will be 没有忠实的朋友 No loyal friend 会在那裏等待 Was ever there for me 现在我们说再见 Now we say goodbye 我们说你未曾努力 We say you didn't try 你流过的泪水 These tears you cry 已於事无补 Have come too late 承受那些欺骗 Take back the lies 伤害和指责! The hurt, the blame! 当你独自面对结局 你会哭泣 And you will weep when you face the end alone 你迷失了 You are lost 再也不能回家 You can never go home 你迷失了 You are lost 再也不能回家 You can never go home