David Roth – Trying to Dance It's three in the morning, I'm tired and sleepy but not quite enough to turn in I think I'll just prop up my feet on the sofa and wait for the world to slow down The tiniest noises, the icebox and airplane, a baby who cries down the hall I know the feeling, alone and defenseless and senseless and silly and small If I promise to try and stand up straight Do you think you might give me a chance? Though I stumbled and fall when I tell you I love you You know that I'm trying to dance It's three in the morning, the faucet is dripping, it reminds me of the way we behave A trickle of feeling, a splash of emotion but an ocean without any waves I'm testing the waters, I'm putting a foot out and I'm tumbling right in over my head I'm sinking and scrambling for safety and falling flat on my face instead If I promise to try and stand up straight Do you think you might give me a chance? Though I stumbled and fall when I tell you I love you You know that I'm trying to dance So many problems around today Seems so silly to be worried 'bout love But if love isn't right for me this way Then I can't worry about anything else It's three in the morning, I've just missed that subway Guess I'll catch the one at 3:45 I will sit on this bench and I'll think of the time When our music and love were alive We used to have quite a rhythm and romance A regular couple of pros But the closer we danced I grew clumsy and awkward I was stepping all over our toes If I promise to try and stand up straight Do you think you might give me a chance? Though I stumbled and fall when I tell you I love you You know that I'm trying to dance Though I stumble and fall when I tell you I love you You know that I try You know that I try You know that I'm trying To dance