作曲 : 孙恒 作词 : 孙恒 【一个工友的伙食】 根据杨清海泥工班工友李佳权写给他的诗改编 词曲及弹唱:孙恒 创作于2008年 好久没有吃上新鲜的水果 好久没有买一包喜欢的茶叶 因为马上就要开学了 儿子在家里渴望地等待 早就戒掉了难忘的香烟 早就戒掉了思乡的烈酒 因为家里老母亲生病了 声声叹息在床头等待 好久没有买件热天穿的衣服 好久没有吃上鱼和荤菜 因为家里又遇上了水灾 妻子在地头焦急地等待 每当天亮 我在工地大门外 等待那个 卖馒头的到来 中午我用开水下馒头 晚上吃一块五的饭和一元素菜 因为开支大于收入 工资永远赶不上物价的上涨 A migrant worker’s meals Music, Lyrics and Vocal: Sun Heng Composed in 2008 Could not afford buying fruits for a long time, Could not afford buying tea for a long time, For the new school year was to start soon, His son was waiting at home. Had quit smoking for a long time, Had quit drinking liquor for a long time, For his mother was sick at home, She was sighing and waiting in bed. Had not bought any new clothes for a long time, Had not had fish and meat for a long time, For the flood attacked his hometown again, His wife was waiting anxiously at home, Everyday when the Sun rise, He waited outside the factory gate, He waited for the one, Who sold steamed bread. He would take steamed bread and plain water for lunch, And would pay 1.5 yuan for rice and 1 yuan for vegetable for his dinner, The living cost was so high and the income was so low, And the salary could never catch up with the rising price.