Why don't you take that train All the way back to Boston Because you took our love And tore it up too many times Believed you alibis and I compromised But I think I've done enough All the edience is making sence Yeah its finally adding up. For every one lie that you told There's two more I don't know Give me back those three little words I whispered in your ear a year ago But before you're history I'm taking my Favorite T-Shirt And my purple rain record too I believe they're overdue No they don't belong to you. Do you remember the games You used to play to hurt me 'Cause I remember the nights we used to Fight you had me jealous like a fool 'Cause I was Lovesick proud of it Didn't matter what you did I was coming back again All the Craziness well i must admit Yeah it kinda sucked me in. For every one lie that you told There's two more I don't know Give me back those three little words I whispered in your ear a year ago But before you're history I'm taking my Favorite T-Shirt And my purple rain record too I believe they're overdue No they don't belong to you. Has the drama kept you company lately 'Cause after all the stuff you pulled I've got no sympathy baby I ain't here to Waste your time like you wasted mine I just want back my share. For every one lie that you told There's two more I don't know Give me back those three little words I whispered in your ear a year ago But before you're history I'm taking my Favorite T-Shirt And my purple rain record too I believe they're overdue No they don't belong to you.