“生命可贵 Every day is a journal page 日如无暇的纸 Every man holds a quill and ink 笔墨尽在你我手中 And there's plenty of room for writing in 宽广无垠任你书画 All we do is believe and think 你我却需且书且想 So will you compose a curse 是写下一生的懊悔 Or will today bring the blessing 亦或为今朝祝福 Fill the page with rhyming verse 是将生活之书谱成优美的诗篇 Or some random sketching 亦或只留下了了几笔 Teach us to count the days 让我们认真打算每一天 Teach us to make the days count 将每天认真对待 Lead us in better ways 如此我们便会生活的更美好 That somehow our souls forgot 然而时常我们都会忘记: Life means so much 生命可贵 Life means so much 生命可贵 Life means so much 生命可贵 Every day is a bank account 日子就像银行账户 And time is our currency 一点一滴的时间就是我们的所有家当 So nobody's rich, nobody's poor 没有人比别人富有,也没有人更贫穷 We get 24 hours each 你我都得到了24个小时 So how are you gonna spend 只看你如何花费 Will you invest, or squander 看你要投资还是荒废 Try to get ahead 要追求卓越 Or help someone who's under 还是用它为不如你的人施与帮助 Teach us to count the days Teach us to make the days count Lead us in better ways That somehow our souls forgot Life means so much Life means so much Life means so much Has anybody ever lived who knew the value of a life 有人真的懂得生活的意义么 And don't you think giving is all 难道生活的全部不该是付出么 What proves the worth of yours and mine 如若不是,又有什么能证明你我存在的意义? Teach us to count the days Teach us to make the days count Lead us in better ways That somehow our souls forgot Life means so much Every day is a gift You've been given 时间是你我得到的无比珍贵的馈赠 Make the most of the time every minute you're living 让我们善待生活中的每一分每一秒吧”