Three lanterns cast a flickering light, more than enough to illuminate the small room with its stark white walls and ceiling, but Seaine kept her eyes fixed on the heavy wooden door. Illogical, she knew; foolish in a Sitter for the White. The weave of saidar she had pushed around the jamb brought her occasional whispers of distant footsteps in the warren of hallways outside, whispers that faded away almost as soon as heard. A simple thing learned from a friend in her long-ago novice days, but she would have warning long before anyone came near. Few people came down as deep as the second basement, anyway. Her weave picked up the far-off chittering of rats. Light! How long since there had been rats in Tar Valon, in the Tower itself? Were any of them spies for the Dark One? 見えて 見つめて 見上げて 見放さないで 月の黒い影 私を嘲うだけ 見せて 見せつけて 見られて 見放されても 夢は覚めぬことなく 見るの どこまでも伸びるこの道を ひたすらに歩み続けてる 淡く輝く月明かりが 終わらぬ旅路を照らすの 冷たい夜風 頬を掠め 瞳に涙を滲んで 凍てついた胸の奥底に 誰かの声がする ああ ほら ゆらりゆらり揺らめく心 疼く痛み さあ 深く深く 夢の中 朝焼けが眩しくて 赤く赤く 染め上げて 広く孤独な海を 高く高く 飛び越えて 閉ざされた記憶から 走れ走れ この足で 怯えずに進んで行け A simple thing learned from a friend in her long-ago novice days, but she would have warning long before anyone came near. Few people came down as deep as the second basement, anyway. Her weave picked up the far-off chittering of rats. Light! How long since there had been rats in Tar Valon, in the Tower itself? Were any of them spies for the Dark One? どこまでに伸びるこの道も いつかは終わりに辿り着く 視界にあるあの地平線が 終焉の証を示す 涙の熱さ 頬を伝う これから新しい始まり 取り戻した思い出の中 あなたの声が聞こえて さあ 歌え歌え 鳴り響け この世界の果てまで 熱く熱く 燃え上がれ あの太陽のように 咲いて咲いて 咲き乱れ 命の強さを知れ 届け届け この思い 嵐も吹雪も貫いて Three lanterns cast a flickering light, more than enough to illuminate the small room with its stark white walls and ceiling, but Seaine kept her eyes fixed on the heavy wooden door. Illogical, she knew; foolish in a Sitter for the White. The weave of saidar she had pushed around the jamb brought her occasional whispers of distant footsteps in the warren of hallways outside, whispers that faded away almost as soon as heard. A simple thing learned from a friend in her long-ago novice days, but she would have warning long before anyone came near. 非は理に勝たず 理は法に勝たず 法は権に勝たず 権は天に勝たぬ だがそれでも 人は強く生きるだろう 何度も挫けそうなときも きっと立ち上がるよ 愛する人がいる限り 僕らは定めに抗う 力となった 走り続け 眩い未来を目指して 強い意志の灯で 無限の闇を照らして 鮮やかに 躓いても 大切な人を思い出せ 勇気を振り絞って 高らかに歌い続け いつまでも どんな時でも 自分のことを信じて 過去を縛った鎖も 思い切りぶち壊して 迷わずに 桜咲いて 私のことを愛して どんなに離れていても あなたと共に希望を抱きしめて