My son is waiting on me, and he ain't a patient man. Go and get the sheriff, tell him anything you can. (Just get him.) Burned myself on this cast-iron pan handle long before you came love was never the subject. (Go and tell your mom I'd never do it.) Remember seeing Shirley on the oil fountain? What a woman, dancing. I just wanted a happy ending. (For your little sister, wherever she is:) Don't be so sorry just cause you lost to your old man, man, man. Cause none of this is gonna happen to me none of this is gonna happen to me none of this is gonna happen to me within my lifetime. I'm just sick to death of the word "inheritance". It's with your great-grandparents. You've inherited the wind, fool. I hope you enjoy it. I hope you enjoy it. But I'm going out flipping the bird to California. Keep your mountains, stars. I followed all the rules, I wasn't the one who turned the screw so hard. We have a great wanting in common, common, common. But none of this is gonna happen to me none of this is gonna happen to me none of this is gonna happen to me within my lifetime. (x 2)