Deep in the tundra under hyperborean skies The vile necromancer reaps from genocide One warrior lives, his mind is burning as they fall He will not rest until he has avenged them all Hail! From the wastes of they North he rides Hail! Crushing the earth with every stride Tale of blood and might Mammoth rider through the night Ancient warrior The spear of destiny Eyes full of hate Gored upon the tusks of fate Fight against the gods The mammoth rider comes Armed with a spear whose blade was forged from meteors Tempered in the blood of a thousand conquerors Heart filled with hatred for the murder of his tribe Against the sorcerer the mammoth warrior rides Hail! From the wastes of they North he rides Hail! Pounds at the earth like a battle-drum Tale of blood and might Mammoth rider through the night Ancient warrior The spear of destiny Eyes full of hate Gored upon the tusks of fate Fight against the gods The mammoth rider comes (Thus spake the necromancer:) "Your feeble flesh bends to my will! I've seen your future in my crystal ball Your beast of war won't save your skin In shrouded magicks I've forseen your fall Your end is nigh!" (Solo: Leeland) He rides out from the mountains with vengeance in his eyes Across the rivers and valleys to where the ocean meets the skies Against the sorcerer's army he raises his spear and shield And calls upon his people's gods to bring him victory on the battlefield And he rides to meet his fate Evil magicks rend the sky Bow to the wizard Ancient, twisted necromancy Spells of death Tale of blood and might Mammoth rider through the night Ancient warrior The spear of destiny Eyes full of hate Gored upon the tusks of fate Fight against the gods The mammoth rider comes