your public need you 群眾需要妳 we need you 我們需要妳 Would you not rather have your precious little ingenue? 你們不是寧願要你們那珍貴的小女孩嗎? Signora, no! 夫人,不 the world wants you! 這個世界需要你 Prima donna first lady of the stage! 首席女歌手 舞台上的第一女主角 Your devotees are on their knees to implore you! 歌迷們正在外面跪著乞求妳 Can you bow out when they're shouting your name? 妳能在他們呼喊妳的名字時下台嗎? Think of how they all adore you! 想想看他們有多愛妳 Prima donna, enchant us once again! 首席女歌手,再一次使我們陶醉吧! Think of your muse ...And of the queues round the theatre! 想想看妳的繆思 還有所有圍繞劇院排隊的隊伍呀! Can you deny us the triumph in store? 妳能拒絕我們 拒絕勝利嗎? Sing, prima donna, once more! 唱吧,首席女歌手,再唱一次吧! Christine spoke of an angel ... 克莉絲汀曾說過的天使 She has heard the voice of the angel of music 她曾聽過音樂天使的聲音 Those who hear your voice liken you to an angel! 那些聽過妳的聲音的人將你比作天使(指克莉絲汀) Prima Donna your song shall live again, you took a snub, 首席女歌手妳的歌應該再次重現,現在你停頓下來 but there's a public who needs you. 但那裡還有需要妳的群眾呀! Think of their cry of undying support! 想想看這城市不朽的支持 Is this her angel of music ...? 這是她的音樂天使嗎? We get our opera 我們擁有自己的歌劇 She gets her limelight! 她有她被注視的目光 Leading ladies are a trial! 第一女主角是個考驗 Heaven help you, those who doubt ... 天堂降拯救你 那些被眾人懷疑的 Prima Donna your song shall never die 首席女歌手妳的歌曲將永不磨滅 You'll sing again, and to unending ovation! 妳將再次歌唱並永遠受歡迎 Tears ... oaths ... 淚水 詛咒 Lunatic demands are regular occurrences! 傻子的要求本來就常發生 Orders! Warnings! 命令!警告! Lunatic demands! 傻子的要求! This miscasting will invite damnation ... 這不當的角色分配會受到詛咒 Think how you'll shine in that final encore! 想想妳將在最後的安可曲中閃耀 Surely there'll be further scenes worse than this! 確定的是下一幕將比這一幕更糟糕 Think, before these demands are rejected! 想想,在拒絕這些要求之前 ... I must see 我必須看看 these demands are rejected! 這些要求被拒絕了! ... if his threats and demands are rejected 若他的威脅和要求被拒絕 Who'd believe a diva happy to relieve a chorus girl, 誰會相信第一女主角會開心的接替一個歌舞隊的女孩 who's gone and slept with the patron? 那個和贊助者交往並同眠的女孩 Raoul and the soubrette, 勞爾和輕浮的女人 entwined in love's duet! 糾纏在愛的二重奏 Although he may demur, 雖然他有所顧慮 he must have been with her! 他還是必須和她在一起 You'd never get away with all this in a play, 你將永遠無法逃離這場戲中 but if it's loudly sung and in a foreign tongue 但如果用外國的腔調大聲的歌唱 it's just the sort of story audiences adore, 這只是觀眾愛戴的故事種類 in fact a perfect opera! 事實上是完美的歌劇! Prima donna the world is at your feet! 首席女歌手 世界在你腳下 A nation waits, and how it hates to be cheated! 國民正在等待,而他們痛恨欺騙 Light up the stage with that age old rapport! 以那古老的曲調點亮舞台 Sing, prima donna, once more! 唱吧!首席女歌手,再一次歌唱吧!