作曲 : 离地九尺 作词 : 离地九尺 静静的一面湖水Silent a lake of water 清澈的让我羞愧Limpid lets me be ashamed 为什么你轻轻一笑Why do you smile lightly 总是落在我白骨上Always falls on my bones of the dead 一生都在涉水的人From cradle to the grave and all be wading person 投向你却没有一丝涟漪Throw toward you but still have a turn of ripple 只留下溺死的尸体Only leaves behind the corpse which is drown to death 送别了梦中远去的我的足迹My footprint sending off in a dream to go far 安葬自己掩埋过去Inters myself bury to pass by 万年沉寂于你深深的腹地The thousand years is dead silent in your deep venter 不染世俗之躯Don’t taint with a worldly body 不粘尘埃之灵Don’t taint with the soul of dust 长眠与你子宫Sleeping in your womb 分娩出我来世的裸体Chilbirth I am naked next life