Time heads off, and leaves us two alone Makes his way along the path, beyond the old headstones Looks back at us and smiles a bit, he knows his work is done By taking all he has with him, and leaving us with none Meet me here on Constellation Street Birds fly past and watch us as they weep Love on the wing is selfless and deep As we stay down here on Constellation Street Don’t need him, we’ll make it for ourselves With love we’ll stop the ticking clocks, the seconds grow and swell If you and I can truly be together now as one I’ll do his job for nothing till I’m older than the sun Meet me here on Constellation Street Stars come out and sing with each heartbeat Time cannot stop me feeling complete We stay down here on Constellation Street Snow falls down and robs us again Of precious moments like now Time returns and melts the ice And points us to The Plough Meet me here on Constellation Street You’ve come far on tired, worn-out feet Rest them now, don’t be discreet As we stay down here on Constellation Street