One two Party time is any time And any time is party time (repeat) Let's do it Let's do it Let's celebrate Celebrate Let's do it Let's do it Find a way, find a way Keep on keepin' it on Music makes you strong Anytime is party time Keep in keepin' it on Music will do you no wrong Keep on keepin' it Party Party time is any time And any time is party time (repeat) Let's do it Let's do it Let's celebrate Celebrate Let's do it Let's do it Find a way, find a way Party time is any time And any time is party time (repeat) Celebrate, find a way People dancing Celebrate, find a way Find a way Party time is any time And any time is party time (repeat) Keep on keepin' it on Music makes you strong Keep on keepin' it on Hey hey Party time is any time And any time is party time (repeat) Party time hey yeah Party time hmmm hmmm (repeats) It's party time its any time (repeat) Hey let's do it Keep on doin' it