(国)我们活在没有童话的年代 心中却有英雄存在 不翻江倒海没霸王气概但在这世上 却比谁都精彩 (粤)成败没有永远的线内心那份信念却在燃 每幕也没有或然尽力去演一演 (国)雄伟的声音围绕着我渺小的生命 覆盖着我心灵 (国)我们活在属于我们的年代 心中纵有英雄存在把目光都移开 发现自己存在看到了未来未来因我变改 (粤)乘坐越过世界的箭目光跳越世俗与目前 伟大配乐里步前全情地步向前 (国)镜中的身影蜕变成其他人的英雄在别人心中播种 It's your turn to be a Hero It's your turn to be a Hero It's your turn to be a Hero For the ones who care so much for you Show them you have what it takes to make it through alive Just believe yourself And the voices that you hear inside Will make us all unite