[00:10.28]But just the physical grind of it is just amazing. You never get sleep, you never get correct sleep if you are on a bus, [00:19.18]you know you're moving all the time. You go from concert to bus, to hotel, to concert, to bus, to hotel and do it all over again. [00:29.24]On the other hand we get to see a lot of stuff and you can sleep on your days off. So and you know with airplanes and all that kind of routine, [00:40.11]I don't have to tell you now, after our unfortunate 911 that that's just make it 10 times more difficult. I can't imagine how the roadies do it. [00:53.59]Having the card and everything onto the plane, get everything checked. They must have to be there five hours before flight. [00:59.62]So it's a grind I think that's what gets more people than anything else in this business. [01:07.85]I went on vacation for a week to Caribbean and I came back with no tan, so it's kind of embarrassing. *You'll get the chance to diaper , [01:15.01]it's okay, you look pretty good. Thanks man. You are at tan free age. [01:19.47]You also have the problem internally as being square members may not agree with each other. And being have a time to see a break up. [01:27.41]So in terms of the most challenging aspect, so I guess in fact you gotta make a plan for everything. [01:33.37]You can come in the morning with the best laid plans and put you a plan to do to records today. But one phone call can send you off on a tangent. [01:42.83]Have to deal with the problems cancellations or shows there may not be selling as many tickets as you up to, and you may have to go to a smaller group. [01:50.40]You or weather problems, artists potentially not wanting to play at certain dates. It's a multitude of problems. [01:59.73]So what does the future hold for Linkin Park. [02:03.93]So far, with the CD with Hybrid Theory, I'm a big fan. [02:07.98]This is an absolutely excellent CD and I'm just hoping that the next one that they release is just as good as this one. [02:14.62]Because then I definitely will be a fan for a very long time. [02:17.91]Just play focus on our shows and our fans, and that's like pretty much all about it. Like playing shows for our fans, [02:25.43]like getting down there, like talking to as many of them as you can and hang out. [02:29.38]I think that is also a key like the reason why we're getting this acceptable beginning so fast, in fact, like we kind of have a connection with our fans, [02:40.66]and the fans are the best fans in the world. [02:42.99]Oh, I think they can't wait. They totally sold out every show that they did and I think certain , [02:47.69]certain band if you keep the bill then you keep the press a little bit [02:51.35]and you're still hitting the radio market, which is a huge, huge importance in the United States. [02:58.27]If we don't have a radio hits, it's dumbly impossible to sell a lot of records. And you know if they have that one hitting and it's still charting, [03:07.88]it's still being played and or another hit two, five years down the line they can release another record and still be ,you know, big. [03:14.91]Some of the bands critics described them as a manufactured rock boy band. SCREW YOU, man, you could only dream that you were this good. [03:25.33]The words that they're saying are like they're down to earth and like it might be picked up as trendy and like, since their music is really good, [03:32.99]everyone might start liking it. So, therefore they might like, give that kind of name because they're popular because people understand where they are coming from, [03:40.25]but I think they're a little bit different than other bands might be. Definitely I don't think they are like metal boy band something. [03:48.84]Following the success of their debut album, the guys have decided to release a remix album. [03:55.06]Looks like you metal heads are going to have a bit more hip hop in your lives. [03:59.29]Let's say if you make you know good music when you believe in yourself and you personally had never give up. [04:06.19]That's no way that you can lose. At some point you'll get, you'll get your chance,at some point you will succeed and I don't know that success may be, [04:15.88]but at some point you know you'll get your justice on you. [04:20.40]Well, my advice to them would be my wise would lead to anybody who try to conquer anything, which would be just don't give up. No matter what happens, [04:30.74]no matter what rational thought pattern goes to your head that you feel like ok it's better if I go do this instead of this. [04:42.55]If you really want to be successful in music, [04:45.89]through the ups and downs, the hard times, the days that it seems like it's just not meant for you, don't give up. [04:59.45] [05:03.76]I don't know, people say it's the world's toughest business. I think life in general is as tough as you make it, you know. [05:12.51]And I always figured we're not saving lives we're making music and we , sometimes you will get a perspective like it's songs and it's making people happy. [05:24.29]It's real simple, if, it doesn't matter who we are, how good we are, what we do in the industry, without the talent, without the artist, [05:32.47]there is no business, and eventually comes back to the talent. You can have quick hits that are made in the studio by producers sounds. [05:41.43]But over a long period of time the accent sell of big numbers, have the big album sells are artists with unique talents. [05:49.34]And without those we don't really have a business, [05:51.59]and if you look at the history of the business the Beatles all the way, the great artists are bound to talent, [05:57.31]without that, you know without the talent I wouldn't have a job. [06:00.73]Even the team fans, I think we might have been talking to them, talking about them today as if they're, [06:05.85]you know, kind of sheep being lead around. I also think they're very fickle and they're very sophisticated too. [06:12.72]I think to a large extent it does come down to the music and for the hooks to the songs and not to say that [06:21.27]anyone with great, great songs are great hooks is going to make it. [06:24.92]But I think without that even the sale list projects might not succeed. [06:34.67]Whatever happens to Linkin Park, you can expect these guys to continue doing great music. [06:40.23]They've come a long way since their beginning, and they're still only on their first album. You can be sure there has to be more to come. [06:48.64]I think a second album does take longer. I think when a band had a first album that's been very successful, [06:54.44]then they tend to worry about the failure of the second album as if that's gonna make them break their career. You know they have second album with guides, [07:04.11]we never gonna do well again, you know I think I think sometimes people are a little too serious about it. [07:10.61]I'd say if you don't like you know alternative type of music, if you just check them out and listen to their albums, [07:16.70]I can guarantee you all of those songs at least like half of them at least even if you didn't like that type of music. [07:23.05]Yeah, basically just give them a chance and try .You will be guaranteed to like them. [07:32.58]