She couldn't help it Her gist was made by the nine saddest shadows And though there's a bird who dropped a tear to save her fate She couldn't help it She add to the mix more sorrow Her hand was driven by a cunning force Her sadness was beyond her weak control Although if she was honest and fair She would admit she loves her life that way Wait, isn't that? She wouldn't read relentlessly or drink vinegar She wouldn't mess around whenever she could Damning the little life she had She only built the road to a tragic end The end she dreamt about since she was a child Beautiful arms and beautiful shoulders I hope she keeps them that way in her next life For the men are getting tired of depth Of haunting voices that drive our selves mad And all they want is to get there and to stay there And "there" is a soft place with no conflicts A place with insipid charms and everlasting noises Entertain the man for otherwise he shall fall sleep Not even the earth is hungry of him And thus he'll live forever like some yellow plastic Unfit for what deserves death Kra Laristo Kra Laristo sirrun jerun seva...