だれかに寄りかかる事  打ち明ける事もしなくなっていたよ 涙はでてくるのに  言葉にできずに 強くないと知る ひとつためいきをついた きみは  ふたつ数えて 微笑む 大丈夫、のキスでひとたび  きれいになれるようで I will love you' so would you be beside me? If will miss you then would you come to find me? I'm in love with you' I was born to be loved by you I think it's true' it's like this I will believe you like the way you trust me I will sing you those many things I wanna tell you I will love you' I'm truly in love with you' I do パパとママの笑顔を 作る事こそが  仕事だと思ってた ママの涙で気付く  「あなたの笑顔がなくてどうするの」 優しくされると 苦しくなる  揺れてしまうこころ、でも 大丈夫、のハグでひとたび  眠りにおちるようで I will love you' so would you be beside me? If will miss you then would you come to find me? I'm in love with you' I was born to be loved by you I think it's true' it's like this I will believe you like the way you trust me I will sing you those many things I wanna tell you I will love you' I'm truly in love with you' I do ひとつためいきをついた きみは ふたつ数えて頬を撫で 大丈夫、のキスでひとたび  きれいになれるようで I will love you' so would you be beside me? If will miss you' then would you come to find me? I'm in love with you' I was born to be loved by you I think it's true' it's like this 手をつなぎどこまで行こうか  天国に一番遠い場所が ここにあるから 明日も生きていたい  I do' it's ture 【 おわり 】