作曲 : 宋庆海 作词 : 宋庆海 词曲/制作/演唱 Lyricist/ Composer/Arranger:大海(宋庆海) Michael Song Imagination we are sailing thousand years ago. Just like those merry children, with naïve smile.Imagination we are living in the peaceful world. Keep away from war and discrimination, we’re sister and brother. Image atmosphere we enjoy sunshine everyday. There is no argue and sorrow. We dance and sing favorite song.Image atmosphere we’re flying in the blue sky. There is no fears and restriction. We are always free in this world. Yes, we are from the different world and speak different languages, but we have the same dream to make a better world. So we come here, image atmosphere. 想象几千年前我们一起航海,就像孩子一样带着天真无邪的笑脸。想象我们生活在和平的世界里,远离战争与歧视。我们就是兄弟姐妹。想象的空间,我们每天沐浴在阳光下,没有争吵与伤痛。我们舞蹈歌唱着自己喜爱的歌曲。想象的空间,我们在天空中自由的翱翔。没有恐惧与规限,我们一直生活在自由的世界里。