What would I do without your smart mouth 没有你的甜言蜜语 我该如何生存 Drawing me in, and you kicking me out 时而热情似火 时而却冷若冰霜 Got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down 让我天旋地转 说真的 很难看懂你的真意 What's going on in that beautiful mind 不知你的聪明脑袋里在想些什么 I'm on your magical mystery ride 我已陷入你的迷幻旅程无法自拔 And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright 眼前早已目眩 但不知是什么撬动了我的心弦 让我安然自得 My head's under water 我虽陷入困境 But I'm breathing fine 但却不再慌张 You're crazy and I'm out of my mind 你的疯癫让我更加失去理智 'Cause all of me 因为我的所有 Loves all of you 只爱你一个人而已 Love your curves and all your edges 恋着你的纤纤玉体 All your perfect imperfections 也恋着你的所有的瑕疵 Give your all to me 若你愿交给我一切 I'll give my all to you 我必当奉献出我的一切 You're my end and my beginning 我人生的起始点都源于你 Even when I lose I'm winning 即使人生陷入困顿 有你我仍是赢家 'Cause all of me 因为我的所有 And you give me all, all of you, oh 而你也用你的一切来爱我 'Cause all of me 因为我的所有 And you give me all, all of you, oh 而你也用你的一切来爱我