[00:00.97]2 The Island [00:04.87]We went to Scotland the next day,first by plane,then by train. [00:12.12]Greta Ross travelled with us. [00:15.28]I looked out of the train window and saw fields and villages and mountains. [00:22.42]‘Mum is right,’I thought.‘Scotland is a very beautiful place.’ [00:30.56]‘You're going to be my husband's secretary,’ [00:36.17]Greta Ross told my mother He's a businessman,but he never leaves the island. [00:42.62]He does all his work by telephone and letter and computer. [00:49.68]He invests money in companies,all over the world.’ [00:55.38]‘Do many people live on the island?’I asked. [00:58.87]‘Not many,'said Greta Ross.‘You'll meet them soon.’ [01:04.15]‘Greta Ross is young,’I thought.‘Is her husband young,too? [01:11.53]How can a young man buy an island?Is he very rich?’ [01:17.89]After the train,we went on Mr Ross's boat,which took us out to the island. [01:25.82]The boatman was a young man.He had dark hair and was brown from the sun. [01:34.45]‘This is Tony,said Greta Ross.‘He works for Mr Ross.’ [01:42.04]‘Hi,'said Tony. [01:46.04]Soon we were near the island. [01:49.32]I could see the beaches and the cliffs.The boat slowed down. [01:55.44]‘There are dangerous rocks around the island,’explained Tony. [02:02.19]‘A lot of them are under the water and you can't see them. [02:07.18]I have to be careful. [02:09.74]But the rocks keep other boats away,and that pleases Mr Ross.’ [02:15.84]‘Why?’I asked. [02:19.26]Tony looked at Greta Ross but she wasn't listening. [02:24.20]‘Mr Ross doesn't like visitors to the island,'tony said in a quiet voice. [02:32.72]Then Greta Ross looked at us and Tony said no more. [02:38.54]‘Why doesn't Mr Ross like visitors?’I thought. [02:44.03]‘Has he something to hide?’ [02:47.35]When we arrived on the island,my mother and I followed Greta up to the house. [02:55.21]It was very big and there were trees all around it. [03:00.04]A woman was waiting inside the house. [03:03.89]‘This is Mrs Duncan,Tony's mother,'said Greta. [03:10.60]‘She's the housekeeper and her husband is the gardener. [03:14.66]Mrs Duncan will take you up to your rooms. [03:19.28]I'm going to tell Mr Ross you've arrived.’ [03:22.35]The housekeeper was a little woman with short hair. [03:28.13]She went up the stairs,and my mother and I went after her. [03:32.67]My room was next to my mother's. [03:36.25]I looked out of the window and saw the garden at the back of the house. [03:41.34]A man was working in the garden,near some trees. [03:46.17]‘Is that Mr Duncan?’I thought. [03:50.25]I looked between the trees and saw the sea. [03:54.00]‘It's a beautiful house and a beautiful island.’ [03:58.37]That evening,we had dinner with Mr and Mrs Duncan and Tony. [04:05.00]We ate in the big kitchen. [04:07.84]‘What happened to Mr Ross's last secretary?’asked my mother. [04:14.30]‘She's in hospital,'replied Mrs Duncan.‘She's going to be away all summer.’ [04:23.25]‘Isn't Mrs Ross lonely here?’I said. [04:28.78]‘No,'said Mrs Duncan.‘She likes painting a lot. [04:34.82]She has a room upstairs and goes there to paint.She's very good. [04:41.25]Sometimes she goes to different places on the island to paint pictures.’ [04:47.28]We finished eating our meal.Soon after,Greta Ross came into the kitchen. [04:56.32]‘Mr Ross wants to see you and your daughter now, [05:00.93]Mrs Sanders,'she said ,‘Follow me,please.’ [05:05.33]We followed her through the house and into a big room. [05:12.54]This was Mr Ross's office and he was sitting behind a desk. [05:17.37]I was surprised.He was a young man,about thirty. [05:24.00]He had a moustache,short dark hair,and he wore glasses. [05:31.38]Mr Ross was speaking into the telephone. [05:34.78]‘Who does he look like?’I thought.‘Is it Tony Duncan?’ [05:40.93]‘Mr Ross is talking to a business friend in New York,'said Greta. [05:47.65]‘Please,sit down.’ [05:49.63]While we waited,I looked around the office. [05:54.05]There were three telephones,a computer,and lots of books and papers. [06:00.39]There was another door and I could see a smaller room,next to the office. [06:07.70]There was a smaller desk and another computer in there. [06:11.67]Mr Ross finished speaking on the phone, [06:16.69]Then looked care fully at my mother and me. [06:20.20]For a few seconds he didn't speak,and just watched us. [06:26.41]Then he said,‘I'm pleased to meet you,Mrs Sanders. [06:34.87]I need some help with my work. [06:37.14]My secretary is in hospital,and there's a lot of work to do. [06:43.26]Sometimes you’ll have to work late at night, [06:46.74]because of time differences in New York and Tokyo.Is that all right?’ [06:51.65]‘Yes,that's all right,’said my mother. [06:56.33]‘Can you use a computer?’ [06:58.58]‘Yes.’ [07:00.19]‘Good.’He looked at me.‘Is this your daughter?’ [07:05.79]‘Yes,this is Carol,'said my mother. [07:09.91]‘Hallo,’I said. [07:12.78]‘Greta says you like gardening. [07:16.17]There's a big garden here,so you can help Mr Duncan. [07:19.99]And there's a farm. [07:22.59]Dan and Stella Parks live in the farmhouse and work on the farm. [07:27.52]You can help them,too. [07:29.51]We have some animals.Some sheep,a few cows and chickens. [07:36.98]And there's a horse called Smoke.He's grey,like his name.Can you ride?’ [07:45.68]‘Yes,’I said.‘I can ride a horse.’ [07:51.49]‘You can ride Smoke around the is land,if you like.’ [07:55.89]‘I'd like that,’I said.‘Thank you.’ [08:00.25]‘And we grow vegetable and fruit,’he said. [08:05.02]‘I work on the farm sometimes.I enjoy it.’ [08:09.33]I smiled at him but he didn't smile back. [08:13.75]‘Carol will enjoy working on the farm,'said my mother. [08:18.69]‘Won't you,Carol?’ [08:20.13]‘Yes,’I said. [08:23.31]‘Mr Ross looks sad,’I thought.‘But how did he get all his money? [08:29.60]And why does he hide away on an island?’