[00:00.95]8 Escape from the island [00:06.98]I was now in my twenty—seventh year on the island, [00:11.80]And I did not want to be there for another year. [00:14.72]We worked hard to get the corn in,and to make a lot of bread. [00:21.57]We had dried fruit and salted meat,and big pots to keep water in. [00:28.92]One evening Friday went out to look for a turtle for meat and eggs. [00:36.36]But in less than an hour he was back,and he looked very afraid. [00:44.07]'Master!Master!'he cried. [00:48.39]'There's a great ship near the island,and men are coming to the shore in a boat!' [00:56.01]I jumped up and ran with him down to the shore. [01:02.24]To my great surprise,I saw that it was an English ship!But why was it here? [01:11.41]English ships never came this way.Perhaps they were pirates! [01:19.02]'Don't let them see you,Friday!'I called.'We'll hide in the trees and watch.' [01:26.94]There were eleven men in the boat,but three of them were prisoners. [01:34.12]Their arms were tied with rope,but their legs were free and they could walk. [01:41.30]The other sailors pushed the three prisoners up the beach, [01:47.00]Laughing and shouting and hitting them. [01:50.38]Then some of them sat down on the sand and began to drink. [01:57.03]Others walked away to look at the island,and two men stayed to watch the boat. [02:05.78]The three prisoners walked slowly along the beach [02:12.19]And sat down under a tree,not far from us.They looked very unhappy. [02:19.75]Very quietly,I came up behind them through the trees, [02:26.79]And called out to them in English. [02:30.03]'Don't be afraid,'I said.'I'm an English man.Perhaps I can help you.' [02:39.60]The three men turned and looked at me. [02:44.54]They did not answer at once;they were too surprised. [02:49.31]Perhaps they thought I was a wild man myself, [02:55.14]In my strange homemade clothes of animals'skins, [02:59.92]And with my long hair and beard.Then the oldeast man spoke. [03:06.84]'I am the captain of that ship,'he said, [03:11.85]'And these two men are my first and second officers. [03:17.09]Last night there was a mutiny,and the seamen took the ship from me. [03:23.22]Now they're going to leave the three of us here,to die on this island.' [03:30.00]'De these mutineers have guns?' [03:34.11]'Only two,'he answered,'and they've left those on the boat.' [03:39.57]'All right,'I said.'We'll fight them,but if we get your ship back for you, [03:47.11]You must take me back to England.' [03:50.69]The captain agreed immediately and thanked me very warmly for my help. [03:58.49]Friday ran back to my house to get all the guns,and the captain and I made a plan. [04:07.56]The first part was easy because the seamen were not ready for a fight. [04:15.51]We shot the two men at the boat,and the captain shot another man. [04:22.35]This man,Tom Smith,was the worst of them all and he began the mutiny on the ship. [04:30.33]Then the captain talked to the other five men,and they agreed to help him. [04:38.01]They did not really want to be mutineers,but they were afraid of Tom Smith. [04:44.48]'Now,'I said to the captain,'we must get back your ship. [04:50.46]How many men are on it?' [04:53.39]'Twenty-six,'the captain replied, [04:57.04]'And they will fight hard because they won't want to go home. [05:02.36]It is death for all mutineers in England.But not all the men are bad. [05:09.01]I'm sure that some of them will help me.' [05:13.25]Just then we saw another boat,which was coming from the ship to the shore. [05:19.40]There were ten men in it,and they all had guns.We ran into the trees and waited. [05:28.30]It was a long hard fight,but by now it was dark and this helped us very much. [05:37.11]We ran here and there in the trees,calling and shouting. [05:42.47]The seamen could not see us and did not know how many men they were fighting. [05:49.57]In the end the first officer shouted to them: [05:54.30]'Put down your guns and stop fightng! [05:58.92]The captain has fifty island people to help him.We can kill you all!' [06:07.03]So the seamen stopped fighting and we took their guns. [06:14.04]Three of the men agreed to come back to the captain, [06:18.71]And we put the others in my cave. [06:22.14]Friday and I stayed to watch the prisoners, [06:27.85]While the captain and his men went back to fight for the ship. [06:33.62]All night we listened to the sound of guns and shouting,but in the morning, [06:42.54]When the sun came up,the captain was master of his ship again. [06:48.20]I went down to the shore to meet him. [06:52.69]'My dear friend,'he cried,'There's your ship! [06:59.09]I'll take you to the ends of the world in it!' [07:03.18]I put my arms round him,and we laughed and cried together. [07:09.33]How happy I was to leave the ialand! [07:13.26]My good friend Friday came with me,of course, [07:19.17]But we left the mutineers on the island. [07:23.56]We decided not to kill them;they could begin a new life on the island. [07:30.32]I showed them my three houses,my cornfields and my goats,and all my tools. [07:38.50]Their life would he easy because of all my hard work for so many years. [07:45.15]And so,on the nineteenth of December 1689— [07:51.34]After twenty-seven years,two months and nineteen days— [07:57.61]I said good-bye to my island and sailed home to England.