[00:00.32]7 Man Friday [00:04.56]For two years I never went anywhere without my gun. [00:12.58]I felt lonely and afraid,and had many sleepless nights. [00:19.79]One night there was a very bad storm, [00:25.34]And I thought I heard the sound of guns out at sea. [00:30.83]The next morning I looked out,and saw a ship. [00:36.14]It was lying on its side not far from the shore. [00:41.39]Quickly,I put my little boat in the water and sailed out to it. [00:47.88]There were two dead men on the ship,but no one alive. [00:55.22][The bodies of the other sailors were lost in the sea. [01:01.14]I took some clothes and tools,and also a box of Spanish gold and silver money. [01:08.50]I was a rich man now,but what use was money to me? [01:14.22]I could not buy anything with it. [01:17.38]I wanted people,a friend,somebody to talk to… [01:23.57]Somebody who could help me escape from my island. [01:28.23]One morning I woke up and made a plan. [01:34.40]'I'll try to catch one of the prisoners of the wild men,'I said to myself. [01:42.39]'He'll be happy to be alive and perhaps he'll help me to escape.' [01:49.23]I watched day and night,but for a year and a half there were no boats. [01:58.74]Then one day five boats came. [02:04.61]There were about thirty men and they had two prisoners. [02:11.00]They made their fire on the sand and danced round it. [02:16.12]Then they killed one of the prisoners and began to cook their terrible meal. [02:23.44]The second prisoner waited under the trees,with two men to watch him. [02:30.62]Suddenly,the prisoner turned and ran. [02:36.55]The two men ran after him,but the other wild men were busy round the fire [02:44.73]And did not see what was happening. [02:49.55]The prisoner ran like a wild goat, [02:53.01]And soon I saw that he was coming near the bottom of my hill. [02:58.25]As fast as I could,I ran down the hill [03:03.59]And jumped out of the trees between the prisoner and the two wild men. [03:09.81]I hit the first man with the wooden end of my gun and he fell down, [03:17.42]But I had to shoot the second man.The poor prisoner did not move. [03:25.21]He was afraid of the noise of my gun. [03:28.95]I called to him and tried to show him that I was friendly. [03:36.02]Slowly,he moved nearer to me, [03:40.71]But just then the first wild man began to get up from the ground. [03:47.42]Then the prisoner spoke and I understood that he wanted my sword. [03:53.91]How happy I was to hear words again! [03:59.04]I gave him my sword,and at once he cut off the head of his enemy. [04:05.65]Hurriedly,we hid the dead bodies under some leaves,and then left quickly. [04:15.62]I took my prisoner to my secret cave on the other side of the island [04:22.81]And gave him food and drink.After that,he went to sleep. [04:29.69]He was a fine young man,about twenty-five years old, [04:37.35]Tall and well-built,with a kind face and a nice smile. [04:43.21]He had a brown skin,black hair,bright eyes and strong white teeth. [04:53.08]I decided to give him the name of'Man Friday',because I first saw him on a Friday. [05:01.41]When he woke up in the morning,he ran out to me. [05:08.24]I was milking my goats in the field, [05:12.62]And he got down on the ground and put his head near my foot. [05:18.78]I understood that he was thanking me,and I tried to show him that I was his friend. [05:27.02]I began to teach him to speak English, [05:32.12]And soon he could say his name,'Master',and'Yes'and'No'. [05:40.90]How good it was to hear a man's voice again! [05:45.79]Later that day we went back to my first house. [05:51.85]We went carefully along the beach,but there were no boats and no wild men. [05:58.48]Just blood and bones all over the sand.I felt ill, [06:06.57]But Friday wanted to eat the pieces of men's bodies which were still on the ground. [06:12.98]I showed him that this was terrible for me,and he understood. [06:18.58]When we got to my house,I gave Man Friday some trousers, [06:29.13]And I made him a coat and a hat.He liked his new clothes very much. [06:36.62]Then I made him a little tent to sleep in, [06:41.42]But for a few weeks I always took my gun to bed with me. [06:48.12]Perhaps Friday was still a wild man and would try to kill me in the night. [06:55.82]At first,Friday was very afraid of my gun. [07:00.65]Sometimes he talked to it,and asked it not to kill him. [07:05.56]Friday was a quick learner and his English got better day by day. [07:14.91]He helped me with the goats and with the work in the cornfields, [07:19.94]And soon we were good friends. [07:23.22]I enjoyed teaching him and,most of all,having a friend to talk to. [07:30.76]This was the happiest of all my years on the island. [07:35.51]Friday and I lived together happily for three years. [07:40.82]I told him the story of my adventures and about life in England, [07:47.26]And he told me about his country and his people. [07:52.02]One day we were at the top of the highest hill on the island, [07:58.50]And we were looking out to sea. [08:01.92]It was a very clear day and we could see a long way. [08:07.89]Suddenly,Friday began to jump up and down,very excited. [08:14.58]'What's the matter?'I said. [08:18.90]'Look,Master,look!'Friday cried.'I can see my country.Look over there!' [08:28.57]I looked,and there to the northwest,between the sea and the sky, [08:36.55]Was a long thin piece of land.I learnt later that it was the island of Trinidad, [08:45.56]And that my island was in the mouth of the River Orinoco [08:51.09]On the north coast of South America. [08:54.73]I began to think again about escape.Perhaps Friday wanted to go home too. [09:03.08]Perhaps together we could get to his country.But what then? [09:09.64]Would Friday still be my friend,or would his people kill me and eat me? [09:17.25]I took Friday to the other side of the island and showed him my big canoe. [09:25.03]It still lay under the trees.It was very old now,and there were holes in the wood. [09:34.67]'Could a boat like this sail to your country,Friday?'I asked him. [09:41.79]'Oh yes,'he answered.'A boat like this can carry a lot of food and drink.' [09:50.64]'Then we'll make another canoe like it,and you can go home in it,'I said. [09:59.71]But Friday looked very unhappy.'Why are you angry with me?'he asked. [10:08.01]'What have I done?Why do you want to send me home?' [10:15.26]'But I thought you wanted to go home,'I said. [10:20.11]'Yes.But you must come with me. [10:24.14]Kill me if you want,but don't send me away from you!' [10:30.91]Then I saw that Friday was a true friend,and so I agreed to go with him. [10:39.73]We began work on the canoe at once. [10:44.01]Friday chose the tree himself—he understood wood better than I did— [10:51.49]And we cut it down.We worked hard and in a month the boat was finished. [11:00.31]Two weeks later it was in the sea,and we began to get ready for our long journey.