[00:01.930]6 A footprint [00:06.820]Then,one year,something strange and terrible happened. [00:14.870]I often walked along the shore,and one day I saw something in the sand. [00:22.440]I went over to look at it more carefully,and stopped in sudden surprise. [00:32.150]It was a footprint—the footprint of a man! [00:37.910]Who could this be?Afraid,I looked around me. [00:46.840]I listened.I waited.Nothing.I was more and more afraid. [00:58.190]Perhaps this man was one of those wild people who killed and ate other men! [01:07.040]I looked everywhere,but there was nobody,and no other foot-print. [01:17.110]I turned and hurried home.'There's someone on my island,'I said to myself. [01:27.840]'Perhaps he knows about me…Perhaps he's watching me now from behind a tree… [01:37.240]Perhaps he wants to kill me.' [01:43.460]That night I couldn't sleep. [01:47.080]The next day I got all my guns ready [01:51.730]And I put more wood and young trees around my house. [01:57.190]Nobody could see me now. [02:00.700]But,after fifteen years alone on the island,I was afraid, [02:07.460]And I did not leave my cave for three days. [02:13.180]In the end,I had to go out to milk my goats. [02:18.800]But for two years I was afraid.I stayed near my home [02:25.830]And I never used my guns because I didn't want to make a noise. [02:32.590]I could not forget the footprint,but I saw and heard nothing more, [02:40.970]And slowly I began to feel happier. [02:46.530]One day,a year later,I was over on the west side of the island. [02:55.880]From there I could see the other islands,and I could also see a boat,far out to sea. [03:05.250]'If you have a boat,'I thought,'it's easy to sail across to this island. [03:14.580]Perhaps that explains the foot-print—it was a visitor from one of the other islands.' [03:24.370]I began to move more freely around the island again,and built myself a third house. [03:33.330]It was a very secret place in a cave.'No wild man will ever find that,'I said to myself. [03:47.370]Then one year something happened which I can never forget. [03:53.120]I was again on the west side of the island and was walking along the shore. [04:01.500]Suddenly,I saw something which made me feel ill. [04:07.290]There were heads,arms,feet,and other pieces of men's bodies everywhere. [04:16.320]For a minute,I couldn't think,and then I understood. [04:23.270]Sometimes there were fights between the wild men on the other islands. [04:30.320]Then they came here to my island with their prisoners, [04:35.860]To kill them,cook them,and eat them. [04:39.310]Slowly,I went home,but I was very angry.How could men do this? [04:48.890]For many months I watched carefully for the smoke from fires, [04:56.730]But I didn't see anything. [04:58.880]Somehow the wild men came and went,and I never saw them. [05:06.550]I was angry and afraid. [05:10.850]I wanted to shoot them all,but there were many of them and only one of me. [05:19.410]'Perhaps I can shoot two or three,'I said to myself, [05:27.360]'But then they will kill and eat me.' [05:33.220]Then,one morning in my twenty-third year on the island, [05:39.320]I was out in my fields and I saw the smoke from a fire. [05:45.440]Quickly,I went up the hill to watch. [05:49.380]There were nine men around the fire,and they were cooking their terrible food. [05:57.430]Then these wild men danced round the fire,singing and shouting. [06:03.810]This went on for about two hours, [06:09.070]and then they got into their boats and sailed away. [06:13.640]I went down to the shore and saw the blood of the dead men on the sand. [06:21.440]'The next time they come,I'm going to kill them,'I said angrily.