[00:00.41]3 The storm and the shipwreck [00:06.54]I stayed in Brazil and worked hard for some years. [00:14.73]By then I was rich…but also bored. [00:20.82]One day some friends came to me and said, [00:26.35]'We're going to Africa to do business. [00:30.62]Why don't you come with us?We'll all be rich after this journey!' [00:36.98]How stupid I was!I had an easy,comfortable life in Brazil, [00:45.31]But,of course,I agreed.And so,in 1659,I went to sea again. [00:55.04]At first,all went well,but then there was a terrible storm. [01:04.42]For twelve days the wind and the rain didn't stop. [01:09.77]We lost three men in the sea,and soon the ship had holes in its sides. [01:17.27]'We're all going to die this time,' [01:21.78]I said to myself.Then one morning one of the sailors saw land, [01:30.77]But the next minute our ship hit some sand just under the sea. [01:38.12]The ship could not move and we were really in danger now. [01:45.93]The sea was trying to break the ship into pieces,and we had very little time. [01:53.27]Quickly,we put a boat into the sea and got off the ship. [01:59.07]But the sea was very rough [02:02.01]And our little boat could not live for long in that wild water. [02:07.46]Half an hour later the angry sea turned our boat over and we were all in the water. [02:17.41]I looked round for my friends,but I could see nobody.I was alone. [02:25.33]That day I was lucky,and the sea carried me to the shore. [02:33.09]I could not see the land,only mountains of water all around me. [02:40.57]Then,suddenly,I felt the ground under my feet. [02:46.43]Another mountain of water came,pushed me up the beach, [02:51.72]And I fell on the wet sand. [02:55.16]At first I was very thankful to be alive. [03:01.22]Slowly,I got to my feet and went higher up the shore. [03:06.74]From there,I looked out to sea. [03:11.19]I could see our ship,but it was wrecked and there was nobody near it. [03:17.77]There was nobody in the water.All my friends were dead. [03:23.97]I was alive,but in a strange wild country,with no food,no water,and no gun. [03:36.58]It was dark now and I was tired.I was afraid to sleep on the shore. [03:45.78]Perhaps there were wild animals there. [03:49.54]So I went up into a tree and I stayed there all night.