[00:23.05]The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn [00:36.24]Huck in trouble [00:40.18]You don't know about me if you haven't read a book [00:44.89]called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. [00:49.68]Mr Mark Twain wrote the book and most of it is true. [00:54.88]In that book robbers stole some money and hid it in a very secret place in the woods. [01:03.42]But Tom Sawyer and I found it,and after that we were rich. [01:09.85]We got six thousand dollars each-all gold. [01:16.09]In those days I never had a home [01:20.61]or went to school like Tom and all the other boys in St Petersburg. [01:26.91]Pop was always drunk,and he moved around a lot, [01:32.71]So he wasn't a very good father. [01:36.74]But it didn't matter to me. [01:40.77]I slept in the streets or in the woods,and I could do what I wanted,when I wanted. [01:49.00]It was a fine life. [01:52.34]When we got all that money,Tom and I were famous for a while. [02:00.09]Judge Thatcher,who was an important man in our town, [02:05.41]Kept my money in the bank for me. [02:08.81]And the Widow Douglas took me to live in her house [02:12.97]And said I could be her son. She was very nice and kind, [02:19.71]But it was a hard life because I had to wear new clothes and be good all the time. [02:30.52]In the end,I put on my old clothes and ran away. [02:36.79]But Tom came after me and said that I had to go back, [02:42.24]But that I could be in his gang of robbers. [02:47.05]So,I went back,and the widow cried and I had to put on those new clothes again. [02:56.85]I didn't like it at all.Her sister,Miss Watson,lived there too. [03:04.80]She was always saying,'Don't put your feet there,Huckleberry,' [03:11.82]And 'Don't do that,Huckleberry.'It was terrible. [03:18.85]When I went up to bed that night,I sat down in a chair by the window. [03:25.82]I sat there a good long time, and I was really unhappy. [03:33.29]But just after midnight I heard 'mee-yow!mee-yow!'outside. [03:44.54]Very softly,I answered,'mee-yow!mee-yor!' [03:53.86]Quietly,I put out the light and got out through the window. [03:59.80]In the trees, Tom Sawyer was waiting for me. [04:04.85]We went through the trees to the end of the widow's garden. [04:11.28]Soon we were on top of a hill on the other side of the house. [04:17.14]Below us we could see the river and the town. [04:22.14]One or two lights were still on,but everything was quiet. [04:29.36]We went down the hill and found Joe Harper, [04:34.02]Ben Rogers and two or three more of the boys. [04:37.71]Then Tom took us down the river by boat to his secret place, [04:44.24]Which was a cave deep in the side of a hill. [04:48.79]When we got there, Tom told us all his plan. [04:54.01]'Now,we'll have this gang of robbers,'he said,'and we'll call it Tom Sawyer's Gang. [05:04.54]If somebody hurts one of us,the others will kill him and his family. [05:11.63]And if a boy from the gang tells other people our secrets, [05:17.88]We'll kill him and his family,too.' [05:21.27]We all thought this was wonderful,and we wrote our names in blood from our fingers. [05:30.46]Then Ben Rogers said,'Now, what's the gang going to do?' [05:37.88]'Nothing,'replied Tom.'Just rob and kill. [05:44.49]We stop people on the road,and we kill them,and take their money and things. [05:51.42]But we can keep a few of the people, [05:54.60]And then their friends can pay money to get them back. [05:58.77]That's what they do in the stories in books.' [06:02.11]But Ben wasn't happy.'What about women?'he asked. ' Do we kill them,too?' [06:13.03]'Oh,no,'Tom answered.'We're very nice to them, [06:19.21]And they all love us, and they don't want to go home.' [06:23.44]'Then the cave will be full of women, and people waiting, [06:30.12]And we'll have to watch them all night…' [06:32.37]'We'll all go home now,'Tom said, [06:34.32]'And we'll meet next week, and we'll kill somebody and rob somebody.' [06:43.41]Ben wanted to begin on Sunday,but the others said no. [06:50.69]It was bad to kill and rob on a Sunday. [06:54.70]My clothes were very dirty and I was very tired when I got back. [07:03.26]Of course,the next morning Miss Watson was angry with me because of my dirty clothes, [07:11.20]But the widow just looked unhappy.Soon after that [07:18.30]We stopped playing robbers because we never robbed people and we never killed them. [07:24.50]* * * [07:25.68]Time went on and winter came. [07:30.69]I went to school most of the time and I was learning to read and write a little. [07:35.93]It wasn't too bad,and the widow was pleased with me. [07:40.25]Miss Watson had a slave,an old man called Jim,and he and I were good friends. [07:48.80]I often sat talking to Jim,but I still didn't like living in a house and sleeping in a bed. [07:58.59]Then,one morning,there was some new snow on the ground [08:06.30]And outside the back garden I could see footprints in the snow. [08:11.87]I went out to look at them more carefully.They were Pop's footprints! [08:19.13]A minute later,I was running down the hill to Judge Thatcher's house. [08:26.68]When he opened the door,I cried, [08:30.29]'Sir,I want you to take all my money.I want to give it to you.' [08:35.70]He looked surprised.'Why,what's the matter?' [08:41.65]'Please,sir,take it! Don't ask me why!' [08:45.95]In the end he said,'Well,you can sell it to me,then.' [08:52.84]And he gave me a dollar and I wrote my name on a piece of paper for him. [08:59.07]That night when I went up to my room,Pop was sitting there, waiting for me! [09:08.23]I saw that the window was open,so that was how he got in. [09:14.54]He was almost fifty and he looked old. [09:20.94]His hair was long and dirty and his face was a terrible white colour. [09:28.87]His clothes were old and dirty,too,and two of his toes were coming through his shoe. [09:37.02]He looked at me all over for a long time,and then he said, [09:45.01]' Well,just look at those Clean,tidy clothes! [09:53.53]And they say you can read and write now. Who said you could go to school?' [10:01.97]'The widow…'I began. [10:04.79]'Oh, she did, did she? Well, you can forget about school. [10:13.14]I can't read and your mother couldn't read; [10:17.30]No one in our family could read before they died,so who do you think you are? [10:26.69]Go on,take that book and read to me!' [10:32.77]I began to read, but he hit the book and it flew out of my hand,across the room. [10:41.91]Then he shouted,'They say you're rich—how's that?' [10:48.88]'It isn't true!' [10:51.41]'You give me that money!I want it.Get it for me tomorrow!' [10:57.93]I haven't got any money.Ask Judge Thatcher.He'll tell you.I haven't got any money.' [11:08.62]'Well, give me what you've got in your pocket now.Come on, give it to me!' [11:17.71]'I've only got a dollar, and I want that to…' [11:22.52]'Give it to me,do you hear?' [11:26.51]He took it,and then he said he was going out to get a drink. [11:33.80]When he was outside the window, he put his head back in and shouted, [11:39.53]'And stop going to that school, or you know what you'll get!' [11:47.09]The next day he was drunk,and he went to Judge Thatcher to get my money. [11:55.51]The judge wouldn't give it to him. [11:58.85]But Pop didn't stop trying [12:01.39]And every few days I got two or three dollars from the judge to stop Pop from hitting me. [12:08.73]But when Pop had money, he got drunk again and made trouble in town. [12:15.90]He was always coming to the widow's house, [12:20.25]And she got angry and told him to stay away. [12:24.57]Then Pop got really angry and one day he caught me [12:30.64]And took me a long way up the river in a boat. [12:35.54]I had to stay with him in a hut in the woods and I couldn't go out by myself. [12:42.23]He watched me all the time. [12:46.08]The widow sent a man to find me and bring me home, [12:51.07]But Pop went after him with a gun, and the man ran away.