[00:01.720]Chapter6 Matthew and Marilla [00:06.410]But when she arrived back at Green Gables, [00:10.100]Anne knew at once that something was wrong. [00:13.440]Matthew looked much older than before. [00:17.980]'What's the matter with him?'Anne asked Marilla. [00:23.130]'He's had some heart trouble this year,'replied Marilla. [00:28.690]'He really isn't well.I'm worried about him.' [00:33.770]'And you're not looking well,Marilla,'said Anne. [00:38.460]'Now you must rest,while I do the housework.' [00:42.720]Marilla smiled tiredly at Anne. [00:46.740]'It's not the work,it's my head.It often hurts,behind my eyes. [00:54.330]I must see the doctor about it soon. [00:57.670]But another thing,Anne,have you heard any-thing about the Church Bank?' [01:04.630]'I heard it was having a difficult time.' [01:08.980]'All our money is in that bank.I know Matthew's worried about it.' [01:14.910]The next morning a letter came for Matthew. [01:20.920]Marilla saw his grey face and cried,'What's the matter,Matthew?' [01:26.520]Anne,who was bringing an armful of flowers into the kitchen, [01:32.630]saw his face too.Suddenly,Matthew fell to the ground. [01:37.830]Anne dropped her flowers and ran to help Marilla. [01:42.710]Together they tried everything,but it was too late.Matthew was dead. [01:51.070]'It was his heart,'said the doctor,who arrived a little later. [01:57.850]'Did he have any bad news suddenly?' [02:00.910]'The letter!'cried Anne.'Shall I see what's in it?Oh Marilla,look! [02:10.330]The Church Bank has had to close down!Your money,and Matthew's,has all gone!' [02:18.230]Everybody in Avonlea was sorry to hear that Matthew was dead. [02:24.710]For the first time in his life,Matthew Cuthbert was an important person. [02:31.100]At first Anne couldn't cry. [02:35.020]But then she remembered Matthew's smiling face when she told him about the Avery prize. [02:41.730]Suddenly she started crying and couldn't stop. [02:47.090]Marilla held her in her arms and they sobbed together. [02:52.200]'Crying can't bring him back,'whispered Marilla. [02:58.210]'We'll have to learn to live without him,Anne.' [03:02.780]*** [03:05.340]In the next few weeks Anne and Marilla [03:08.730]worked hard together on the farm and in the house. [03:12.700]Everybody in Avonlea was very kind to them,but it was a sad time. [03:19.270]One day Marilla said,'I'll miss you when you go to Red-mond College,Anne. [03:26.170]What are the other Avonlea students going to do?' [03:30.400]'Some of them are going to teach,and some are going to stay at Queen's.' [03:38.270]'Gilbert's going to teach at Avonlea school,isn't he?' [03:42.230]Anne didn't reply,so Marilla went on. [03:47.200]'He's very tall and good-looking now,don't you think? [03:52.910]Like his father,John,when he was younger. [03:58.070]You know,John and I were very good friends,years ago.' [04:02.380]Anne looked up,interested.'What happened?Why didn't you…?' [04:09.970]'Well,we had a fight about something. [04:14.090]He asked me to be friends again,but I couldn't forgive him. [04:18.870]Later I was sorry,but he didn't speak to me again. [04:23.700]Perhaps we…Oh well,it was a long time ago.' [04:29.970]The next day Marilla went to see the doctor. [04:35.190]When she came back,she looked very tired and ill. [04:39.970]'What did the doctor say?'asked Anne worriedly. [04:45.770]'He says I mustn't read or write,and I must wear glasses. [04:53.490]Then my head won't hurt.But if I'm not very careful,I'll be blind in six months!' [05:02.360]For a minute Anne was silent.Then she said firmly,'Then you must be careful,Marilla.' [05:12.270]'Think how terrible it is to be blind! [05:17.190]But how lucky you've got a free place at Redmond College! [05:22.120]I can't give you any money,you see.All our money's gone,and I can't work now. [05:30.050]I think I'll have to sell the farm,and go and live with Rachel Lynde!' [05:36.690]And poor Marilla sobbed wildly. [05:41.770]That night Anne sat alone in her bedroom. [05:46.640]She thought and thought for some time,and then she smiled. [05:52.520]When she went to bed,she knew what she was going to do. [05:59.180]The next day she explained it all to Marilla. [06:04.220]'You can't sell Green Gables,it's our home! [06:10.350]Just listen,I've planned everything. [06:14.850]I'm not going to Redmond College,it's too far away. [06:20.590]I'm going to teach,in one of the village schools near here. [06:25.840]Then I can live there during the week and come home at weekends to look after you. [06:32.720]Diana's father will use our fields and pay us for them, [06:38.680]And so we'll have some money.You see?' [06:42.610]'Oh Anne!I'll be all right if you're here. [06:48.740]But you must go to Redmond,if you want to study…' [06:53.020]'Redmond College doesn't matter,'laughed Anne. [06:59.680]'I'm going to study at home in the evenings. [07:03.520]And I'm going to be a really good teacher!That's better than anything!' [07:10.570]Marilla shook her head and tried not to cry. [07:15.420]'You're a good girl,Anne.Now we can keep Green Gables!' [07:22.720]A few days later Rachel Lynde came to the farm. [07:29.450]'Do you know,'she said,'that Gilbert isn't going to be the Avonlea teacher now?' [07:38.220]'Isn't he?'cried Anne.'Why not?' [07:43.960]'When he heard that you wanted to be near Marilla, [07:48.220]He decided to teach at a school in another village. [07:52.560]So you can be the Avonlea teacher now.' [07:56.010]'Oh!'said Anne,surprised.'That's…that's very kind of him.' [08:04.030]And that day,when she saw Gilbert by the river,she stopped him and held out her hand. [08:12.800]'Gilbert,'she said shyly,'I…I want to thank you.It's very good of you. [08:24.140]If I'm the Avonlea teacher,I can help Marilla much more at home.' [08:31.460]'I'm happy to help you,Anne,'said Gilbert. [08:37.060]He smiled and held her hand firmly.'Are we going to be friends now? [08:44.210]Have you forgiven me for calling you"carrots"?' [08:48.410]Anne laughed.'I forgave you a long time ago.' [08:54.420]'I'm sure we're going to be very good friends,Anne.Can I walk home with you?' [09:02.000]And when Anne came into the Green Gables kitchen,Marilla said, [09:08.230]'You look very happy,Anne.Was that Gilbert who was with you just now?' [09:15.030]'Yes,'replied Anne,her face red.'Gilbert and I've decided to be friends. [09:24.310]Oh Marilla,I think life is going to be good for all of us! [09:30.090]We'll have to work hard,but we'll be happy. [09:34.290]And we'll keep our dear old Green Gables!What could be better than that!'