[00:02.01]5 Queen's College [00:05.45]One day Marilla said,'Anne,your new teacher,Miss Stacy,spoke to me yesterday. [00:15.54]She says you must study for the examinations for Queen's College in two years'time. [00:22.83]Then if you do well,you can study at Queen's in Charlotte-town for a year, [00:29.15]and after that you'll be a teacher!' [00:32.33]'Oh Marilla!I'd love to be a teacher!But won't it be very expensive?' [00:40.77]'That doesn't matter,Anne. [00:43.75]When Matthew and I adopted you three years ago, [00:47.43]we decided to look after you as well as we could.Of course we'll pay for you to study.' [00:54.44]So in the afternoons Anne and some of her friends stayed late at school, [01:02.89]and Miss Stacy helped them with the special examination work. [01:07.16]Diana didn't want to go to Queen's,so she went home early,but Gilbert stayed. [01:14.23]He and Anne still never spoke and everybody knew that they were enemies, [01:21.65]because they both wanted to be first in the examination. [01:26.16]Secretly,Anne was sorry that she and Gilbert weren't friends,but it was too late now. [01:34.15]For two years Anne studied hard at school. [01:39.55]She enjoyed learning,and Miss Stacy was pleased with her. [01:44.32]But she didn't study all the time. [01:47.27]In the evenings and at weekends she visited her friends, [01:51.84]or walked through the fields with Diana,or sat talking to Matthew. [01:57.75]'Your Anne is a big girl now.She's taller than you,' [02:04.03]Rachel Lynde told Marilla one day. [02:07.23]'You're right,Rache!'said Marilla in surprise. [02:11.26]'And she's a very good girl now,isn't she?She doesn't get into trouble these days. [02:18.26]I'm sure she helps you a lot with the housework,Marilla.' [02:22.29]'Yes,I don't know what I'd do without her,'said Marilla,smiling. [02:28.34]'And look at her!Those beautiful grey eyes,and that red-brown hair! [02:35.98]You know,Marilla,I thought you and Matthew made a mistake when you adopted her. [02:43.47]But now I see I was wrong.You've looked after her very well.' [02:49.48]'Well,thank you,Rachel,'replied Marilla,pleased. [02:54.98]That evening,when Matthew came into the kitchen,he saw that his sister was crying. [03:02.35]'What's the matter?'he asked,surprised. [03:07.29]'You haven't cried since…well,I can't remember when.' [03:13.39]'It's just…well,I was thinking about Anne,'said Marilla. [03:21.23]'I'll…I'll miss her when she goes away.' [03:27.33]'When she goes to Queen's,you mean? [03:31.29]Yes,but she can come home at weekends,on the train.' [03:36.11]'I'll still miss her,'said Marilla sadly. [03:42.30]In June the Avonlea boys and girls had to go to Charlotte-town to take their examinations. [03:51.23]'Oh,I do hope that I've done well,' [03:55.78]Anne told Diana when she arrived back at Green Gables. [03:59.44]'The examinations were very difficult. [04:04.32]And I've got to wait for three weeks before I know!Three weeks!I'll die!' [04:12.78]Anne wanted to do better than Gilbert. [04:16.49]But she also wanted to do well for Matthew and Marilla.That was very important to her. [04:23.94]Diana was the first to hear the news. [04:29.04]She ran into the kitchen at Green Gables and shouted, [04:33.90]'Look,Anne!It's in Father's newspaper! [04:38.22]You're first…with Gilbert…out of all the students on the island! [04:46.92]Oh,how wonderful!'Anne took the paper with shaking hands, [04:53.95]and saw her name,at the top of the list of two hundred.She could not speak. [05:02.79]'Well,now,I knew it,'said Matthew with a warm smile. [05:09.87]'You've done well,I must say,Anne,'said Marilla,who was secretly very pleased. [05:18.65]For the next three weeks Anne and Marilla were very busy. [05:24.13]Anne needed new dresses to take to Charlottetown. [05:29.18]The evening before she left,she put on one of her new dresses to show Matthew. [05:35.75]Marilla watched the happy young face. [05:40.07]She remembered the strange,thin little child,with her sad eyes, [05:45.86]who arrived at Green Gables five years ago,and she started crying quietly. [05:52.61]'Marilla,why are you crying?'asked Anne. [05:58.73]'I was just thinking of you when you were a little girl,'said Marilla. [06:07.56]'And…you're going away now…and I'll be lonely without you.' [06:15.36]Anne took Marilla's face in her hands,'Marilla,nothing will change. [06:24.21]Perhaps I'm bigger and older now,but I'll always be your little Anne. [06:31.25]And I'll love you and Matthew and Green Gables more every day of my life.' [06:39.17]Marilla could not say what she felt,like Anne,but she could show it. [06:46.90]She put her arms round her girl and held her close to her heart. [06:52.69]And so for the next year Anne lived in Charlottetown,and went to college every day. [07:01.71]She sometimes came home at weekends,but she had to study hard. [07:08.91]Some of her Avonlea friends were at Queen's too,and also her enemy,Gilbert Blythe. [07:16.72]Anne saw that he often walked and talked with other girls. [07:22.24]She felt sure that she and Gilbert could have some interesting conversations. [07:27.61]But she didn't want to be the first to speak to him,and he never looked at her. [07:34.59]There were examinations at the end of the college year,in May. [07:40.94]Anne studied very hard for them. [07:45.14]'I'd love to get the first place,'she thought.'Or perhaps I could get the Avery prize.' [07:53.34]This was a prize for the student who was best at English writing, [07:59.18]and Anne knew she was good at that. [08:02.92]The Avery prize paid for a free place for four years at Redmond College, [08:09.90]one of the best colleges in Canada. [08:13.63]When news of the examinations came,Anne waited for her friends to tell her. [08:20.30]She heard shouting.'It's Gilbert!He's the first!'She felt ill. [08:27.90]But just then she heard another shout.'Anne Shirley's got the Avery!' [08:34.35]And then all the girls were round her,laughing and shouting. [08:39.00]'Matthew and Marilla will be pleased!'thought Anne. [08:44.16]'Now I can go on studying,and they won't have to pay!'