[00:01.24]4 More trouble for Anne [00:06.35]'I think I'll ask the new vicar,Mr Allan,and his wife to tea on Wednesday.' [00:14.44]said Marilla one day. [00:16.83]'Oh yes,please do!'cried Anne excitedly. [00:22.32]'Mrs Allan is young and beautiful,and has a very sweet smile! [00:29.04]Can I make a cake for tea?Say yes,Marilla!'Marilla agreed, [00:36.35]and for the next few days Anne planned what she would put in her cake. [00:42.25]'I do hope it's going to be a good one,'she told Diana. [00:49.01]'Sometimes I forget to put in the right things.' [00:53.26]'You made a very good one last week,'said her friend. [00:58.12]'I'm sure it'll be all right.' [01:00.76]On Wednesday the tea party started very well. [01:07.24]'These are very good cakes,Miss Cuthbert,'Mrs Allan said to Marilla. [01:15.15]'You have been busy.' [01:17.22]'Anne made this one,specially for you,Mrs Allan,'replied Marilla. [01:24.17]'Oh well,I must try some,'laughed the vicar's wife. [01:30.99]But after the first mouthful there was a very strange look on her face. [01:38.10]'Is anything wrong?'asked Marilla.She ate a piece of Anne's cake herself. [01:46.33]'Oh!Anne!What have you put in this cake?'she cried. [01:53.92]'Isn't it…isn't it all right?'asked Anne,her face red. [02:01.04]'All right?It's horrible!Don't try to eat any more,Mrs Allan. [02:08.18]Anne,you've put my medicine in this cake!' [02:12.99]'Oh!I didn't know!It was white,and in a bottle!I thought it was milk!' [02:23.17]sobbed Anne.She ran upstairs and fell on her bed,crying loudly. [02:29.78]But later that evening,when Mr and Mrs Allan went home,Marilla came to talk to her. [02:38.26]'Oh Marilla!'cried Anne. [02:43.80]'Everybody in Avonlea will laugh at me for putting medicine in a cake!' [02:50.26]Marilla smiled and touched Anne's hot face. [02:55.29]'No,they won't,Anne.Mrs Allan wasn't angry,you know. [03:01.65]She said it was very kind of you to make her a cake, [03:06.93]and she's asked you to tea at her house!' [03:10.94]'Oh,so she's forgiven me!She is nice,isn't she?'said Anne thankfully. [03:21.27]'Why do I get into trouble like this?Perhaps I won't make any mistakes tomorrow.' [03:31.15]Marilla shook her head,still smiling. [03:35.01]'You'll think of something,Anne.You're very good at making mistakes!' [03:40.71]*** [03:42.44]Spring came,with its bright green leaves and early flowers. [03:48.60]One April evening Marilla came home late after visiting friends. [03:54.30]She found the kitchen empty,and no supper on the table. [04:00.18]'Where's Anne?'she thought crossly.'I told her to get the supper ready.' [04:08.24]She hurried upstairs to Anne's room,and found the girl sobbing on her bed. [04:14.47]'Don't look at me,Marilla!'Anne cried.'I know I'm bad,I know I am!' [04:25.15]'What is the matter?'asked Marilla.'Are you ill?' [04:31.29]'Oh Marilla,I just want to die!Look at my hair!' [04:39.91]And Marilla saw that Anne's long thick red hair was now a horrible dark green. [04:51.23]'Oh Anne!'she said,'What have you done now?' [04:58.08]'I…I bought a bottle of something special from a man who came to the door. [05:07.41]He said it would change my hair from red to black! [05:13.08]Oh,I know it was stupid of me!But what shall I do?' [05:21.20]They washed Anne's hair again and again,but it was still green. [05:28.25]Anne stayed at home for a week,saw nobody,and washed her hair every day. [05:36.50]But at the end of the week,Marilla said,'I'm sorry,Anne,we'll have to cut it all off. [05:44.57]You can't go to school with green hair.'Anne had to agree. [05:51.90]'Perhaps this will teach me not to think about being beautiful,'she said sadly. [05:58.98]Everybody was surprised to see Anne with very short hair, [06:06.11]but no one learned the secret. [06:08.80]And some weeks later,there were some new,darker red curls, [06:14.62]which pleased Anne very much. [06:18.49]*** [06:20.46]That summer Anne and her friends often played in an old boat on the river. [06:26.59]'Today,let's imagine that I'm a prisoner and I'm escaping from prison by boat,' [06:35.82]said Anne.'I'll hide in the boat and the river will carry it down to the bridge. [06:43.55]You're my family,and you must meet me at the bridge.' [06:48.87]The other girls agreed,so Anne got into the boat and hid under some coats. [06:56.17]Her friends pushed the boat off down the river [07:00.87]and ran across the fields to get round to the bridge. [07:05.15]For a few minutes the prisoner enjoyed the game, [07:09.11]but then she suddenly felt wet and sat up. [07:13.90]Water was coming in very fast through a hole in the bottom of the boat! [07:20.56]Luckily,there were some trees by the river and Anne saw a low branch over the water. [07:28.06]She jumped up and caught the branch. [07:32.18]The boat went on without her and a few seconds later went down under the water. [07:40.26]Her friends on the bridge saw the boat, [07:45.05]but they did not see Anne under the tree. [07:47.78]'Oh!Oh!Anne's dead!The boat's gone down and she's in the river!' [07:54.16]they screamed,and ran back to the village for help. [07:58.53]Poor Anne could not move.She held on and held on, [08:05.01]but her arms were getting tired and she knew that she would fall in a minute. [08:11.50]Suddenly,there was Gilbert Bly the in his boat! [08:17.27]'Anne Shirley!'he cried.'What are you doing there?' [08:23.70]He did not wait for an answer,but quickly helped Anne into his boat. [08:30.87]She didn't say a word.When they arrived at the bridge,she got out and turned away. [08:39.05]'Thank you for helping me,'she said coldly. [08:44.91]But Gilbert jumped out,and put a hand on her arm. [08:50.52]'Anne,'he said quickly,'I'm sorry I called you"carrots." [08:57.32]It was a long time ago.I think your hair is really nice now. [09:03.70]Can we forget it,and be friends?' [09:06.61]For a second Anne wanted to say yes. [09:12.58]But then she remembered standing alone in front of the school children all afternoon, [09:19.16]because of Gilbert.She would never forgive him for that! [09:24.73]'No,'she replied coldly,'I shall never be your friend,Gilbert Blythe!' [09:32.40]'All right!'Gilbert jumped angrily back into his boat.'I'll never ask you again,Anne Shirley!' [09:42.57]Anne walked home with her head held high,but she felt strangely sad,and wanted to cry. [09:52.51]'Why are you always in trouble,Anne?' [09:58.32]asked Marilla,when she heard about Anne's adventure. [10:01.77]'Well,I think I'm learning,Marilla,'answered Anne. [10:08.07]'I learn from my mistakes,and after today,I won't use my imagination so much. [10:16.40]I don't think Avonlea is the right place for imagination.' [10:21.54]'No,it isn't,'agreed Marilla a little crossly. [10:26.78]When she went out,Matthew,who was sitting quietly in his corner, [10:34.19]whispered to Anne,'Keep a little imagination,Anne,not too much,of course,just a little.'