[00:01.04] Chapter 6 Spaceship to the Moon [00:06.70]And so they waited.And waited. Rilla slept in her chair. [00:13.19]Kiah and Seru talked quietly.Seru's brother came and went. [00:18.00]Most of the prison guards ran away with the prisoners. [00:25.75]Seven or eight people—some prisoners and some guards—didn't want to run away, [00:34.27]So they came into the room and waited,too. [00:38.06]Ten o'clock came,then eleven o'clock.It was very quiet. [00:45.79]Seru walked up and down the room.Kiah sat next to Rilla. [00:53.26]Seru's brother came into the room again. [00:57.47]‘It's after midnight,’he said. [01:01.51]Just then, they heard the noise of a plane.Kiah stood up. [01:08.82]‘Come on,’he said.‘Let's get out of the building.’ [01:14.83]Quietly,they left the building.It was a dark,hot night. [01:23.04]There were no guards in front of the prison, [01:25.82]so they went to the gate and waited there. [01:29.14]Suddenly,they saw the plane.It was a little plane, [01:35.85]And it was going to come down on the road in front of the prison! [01:39.94]Rilla took Kiah's hand.‘You were right,’she said.‘I'm sorry.’ [01:49.26]Kiah smiled.He began to feel happy. [01:55.94]‘That's all right.I under stand.I know Adai very well,and you don't.’ [02:01.85]The plane stopped and someone opened the door. [02:07.45]Kiah ran across to the plane. [02:11.59]‘How many can you take?’he called.‘There are twelve of us.’ [02:17.74]‘That's all right,’someone said.‘Quickly,the spaceship is waiting.’ [02:23.19]The twelve people got into the little plane,and the plane be-gan to move. [02:28.94]Rilla looked at the captain of the plane.He was tall,with brown hair. [02:35.93]He looked nice.Was this the famous Commander Adai? [02:42.31]‘Where is the spaceship?’Kiah asked. [02:47.03]‘At the old airport,’the man said. [02:51.20]‘One of the fires is moving very quickly across the new forest. [02:55.44]It's going to arrive at the west of Kisangani before tomorrow,I think. [03:02.09]But the old airport is OK.’ [03:05.74]then the man looked at Kiah and smiled warmly. [03:11.59]‘My brother’,he said.‘My little brother,in prison 888!’ [03:19.37]‘Your brother?Commander Adai?’Rilla asked. [03:26.29]‘But you didn't tell me that!’ [03:29.81]Kiah smiled.‘Nobody knew,’he said. [03:34.75]‘But now—it doesn't matter now.Everyone can know.’ [03:40.88]The little plane came down at the old airport,south of the town. [03:49.13]‘Let's be careful,’Adai said. [03:52.17]‘We don't want someone to shoot us before we leave.’ [03:55.92]The spaceship was dark. [03:58.90]Quickly, everyone jumped down from the plane and ran across to the spaceship. [04:05.42]Soon,the spaceship left Earth, [04:10.38]And everyone looked down at the burning planet. [04:14.59]They saw the dark smoke over Africa,and here and there, [04:22.36]through the smoke,the red,angry fires. [04:27.85]‘The fires are destroying the forest very quickly,’seru said. [04:33.37]Adai put his hand on Kiah's arm.‘I'm sorry about Zadak,’he said. [04:42.24]‘I wanted him to wait,’Kiah said.‘I wanted him to talk to you.’ [04:49.67]Adai's face was sad.‘He didn't want me to die,’ [04:57.01]he said quietly.‘He was a good man.And now he's dead.’ [05:05.74]‘And Gog is going to Mars,’seru said. [05:10.55]‘Mars?He's crazy!Mars isn't ready for people,’Adai said. [05:19.74]‘But Gog wants to go,and so he's going,’seru said. [05:27.42]‘Tell us about the Moon colony.That isn't ready:you need more money.’ [05:33.71]‘No,I don't,’Adai said.‘The Moon colony is ready. [05:39.79]I asked for more money because of Zadak: [05:44.13]I wanted to give him money for rain.But Gog didn't listen; [05:49.66]He wanted all Earth's money for the spaceship to Mars.’ [05:54.50]‘I don't want to leave Earth,’Rilla said sadly.She felt tired and afraid. [06:03.65]Adai smiled warmly at Rilla.‘Nobody wants to leave Earth,’he said. [06:12.74]‘But under the Moon is the best home for us now. [06:16.77]Wait and see.The Moon colony is a beautiful,wonderful country, [06:24.21]with rivers and rain,forests and flowers,buildings—and the first town. [06:33.19]You can visit Earth again soon,and bring more people to the Moon colony. [06:40.34]We all want to help Earth,because it's our first home. [06:45.90]I know that.At the same time,you are going to be happy under the Moon.’ [06:54.83]Suddenly,someone cried:‘Look at the Moon!’ [07:01.58]And through the window of the spaceship they saw the Moon before them, [07:08.79]cold,white and beautiful; [07:13.77]and under the Moon,there was the Moon colony!