sen lin da huo

Song 森林大火
Artist 英语听力
Album 书虫系列第一级


[00:00.920] chapter 5 Forest fires
[00:07.060] Later that morning,four guards took Rilla to Gog's office.
[00:12.910] His face looked tired and his eyes were red.
[00:16.510] ‘Leave us,’he said to the guards.Then he looked at Rilla.
[00:23.850] ‘Tell me about Kiah.When did you first meet him?
[00:30.170] Is Zadak his friend?What do they talk about?’
[00:37.470] Rilla looked down at the floor and said nothing.
[00:42.400] ‘Come on,tell me!’Gog said angrily.
[00:48.190] He waited,but Rilla said nothing.
[00:53.250] ‘Tell me about Zadak,then.
[00:56.100] Your father and Commander Zadak were friends.
[01:00.260] Now,you're talking to Zadak about the AOL.
[01:05.100] I know that.What is Zadak saying?’
[01:08.960] ‘Why?Why do you want to know about Commander Zadak?’Rilla asked.
[01:17.860] ‘I'm asking the questions,not you,’Gog said.
[01:22.960] ‘Did you see Zadak yesterday?’
[01:26.050] ‘The AOL is important,not Commander Zadak,’Rilla said.
[01:33.630] Gog watched Rilla carefully.‘Zadak is dead.’
[01:41.760] ‘No!’Rilla cried.
[01:46.820] ‘He is dead,’Gog said again.
[01:51.350] ‘You lost your friend,here in this building,early this morning.
[01:56.430] My guards shot him.’
[02:00.340] Rilla's face went white.‘What happened?Tell me!’
[02:05.750] ‘I'm going to tell you one thing,’Gog said angrily.
[02:12.300] ‘I'm going to destroy Australia.
[02:15.830] I'm going to burn Zadak's new forest there.You can tell all your friends!
[02:24.310] Zadak wanted to kill me,but I killed him.
[02:29.460] He wanted money for rain,money for the AOL,and now he's dead.
[02:37.350] You can tell all those prisoners in prison 888.
[02:42.680] They wanted to stop me,but they can't now.
[02:47.230] I'm going to Mars!Bel always wanted to go to Mars.’
[02:54.090] He began to hit the table with his hand.
[02:58.910] ‘I'm going to leave this dead planet!Nobody can stop me!’
[03:06.110] ‘You're crazy,’Rilla said.
[03:09.950] ‘You killed Zadak,but one day someone is going to kill you.’
[03:14.700] Gog stood up.His face was tired and he looked ill.
[03:21.910] ‘Be quiet!’he said.‘Guards!Take her away.Back to 888.’
[03:31.080] The guards came in and took Rilla out.
[03:35.890] ‘What happened?’she asked them.
[03:40.610] ‘Commander Zadak is dead;why is Gog angry?’
[03:47.270] The guards said nothing.
[03:49.510] But after they returned to the gate of 888,aguard said to Rilla,very quietly:
[03:58.640] ‘Belis dead.Zadak didn't shoot Gog,but he shot Bel,before the guards shot him.’
[04:08.080] A guard took Rilla into the prison, and soon she was with Kiah again.
[04:15.560] ‘What happened?’Kiah asked.‘Tell me.’
[04:20.690] Rilla put her hands over her face and began to cry.
[04:27.170] ‘Zadak is dead,’she began.‘He didn't kill Gog.
[04:31.740] He killed Bel before the guards shot him,
[04:38.010] and now Gog is going to destroy Australia.’
[04:43.050] Kiah sat down on the floor next to Rilla.
[04:48.360] His face was sad.
[04:50.750] ‘Don't cry,’he said quietly.
[04:56.690] Three or four prisoners came across the room.
[05:00.850] ‘What's the matter?’they asked.
[05:07.680] ‘Zadak is dead,’Kiah said.‘But Bel is dead,too.’
[05:12.350] ‘What's going to happen next?’someone asked.But nobody answered.
[05:19.300] The next afternoon,Captain Seru's brother took Kiah and Rilla to a little room at the back of the prison.
[05:30.470] They sat down,and five minutes later Captain Seru arrived.Nobody smiled.
[05:40.500] ‘You were right,Captain,’Kiah said.
[05:47.690] ‘Gog sent us to prison because we told him about the holes in the AOL.’
[05:53.850] Seru smiled.‘You were right,Kiah,’she said.
[05:58.890] ‘Those satellite numbers were very bad.
[06:02.460] I began to tell Gog,but he didn't listen to me.’
[06:06.980] ‘Would you like some coffee?And some sandwiches?’seru's brother asked.
[06:13.680] ‘Yes,please,’seru said.
[06:17.530] ‘I'm hungry.’she looked at Kiah and Rilla.‘Things are very bad.’
[06:24.990] ‘What's happening?’Rilla asked.
[06:29.170] ‘You know about Zadak?And Bel?’
[06:33.870] ‘Yes.Gog told Rilla yesterday,’Kiah said.
[06:38.700] Seru smiled,but her eyes were not happy.
[06:43.300] ‘Gog talked to me this morning,'she said.
[06:48.980] Her brother came in with the coffee and sandwiches and Seru began to eat.
[06:55.630] ‘Gog wants to know about Zadak,and about you,’she said.
[07:00.890] ‘He's going to kill us all,I think,before he goes to Mars.’
[07:05.950] Suddenly,Rilla felt ill.‘I can't eat now!’she cried.
[07:14.710] But she took some coffee and began to drink.
[07:19.150] ‘Let's get out of here,’she said.
[07:23.320] ‘Perhaps we can get a plane to Brazil and go to my family.’
[07:28.420] ‘Difficult,’seru said.
[07:30.880] ‘Last night fires began in the new forest in Europe,and they're moving across Europe.
[07:40.270] The fires in Africa are burning fast.
[07:43.430] Gog began to destroy Zadak's forest in Australia yesterday.’
[07:50.210] ‘Did you phone Adai?’Kiah asked.
[07:55.430] ‘Adai!You never stop talking about Adai.
[07:57.320] What can he do?’Rilla said.She felt angry.
[08:01.900] Seru looked at Rilla for a minute.
[08:06.200] ‘Yes,I phoned Adai be-fore I came here.
[08:10.610] I told him about Zadak and Bel,and about the fires.
[08:14.870] He asked about you,Kiah.
[08:18.990] He can't come down at Kisangani airport because Gog is there with a lot of his guards.
[08:25.100] Ship MARS 4 is nearly ready and Gog is watching it.
[08:30.680] He wants to leave Earth tomorrow.’
[08:35.810] ‘How can Adai help us?’Rilla asked.‘He can't shoot all the guards here.’
[08:43.050] Captain Seru finished the last sandwich.‘
[08:47.240] Let's leave that to Adai,’she said.‘We can do nothing.’
[08:51.270] ‘Are you going to stay here?’Kiah asked.
[08:57.650] ‘Yes,'seru answered.‘Adai is coming to the prison after he arrives on Earth.’
[09:05.350] ‘Oh yes?’Rilla said tiredly.‘But when?Gog can kill us before Adai comes.’
[09:17.040] ‘No,he can't,’seru's brother said.
[09:21.050] ‘You can stay here,in this room.
[09:25.400] Gog's guards are all afraid—afraid of the fires,afraid of the people.
[09:32.380] They aren't going to look for you here.’


[00:00.920] chapter 5 Forest fires
[00:07.060] Later that morning, four guards took Rilla to Gog' s office
[00:12.910] His face looked tired and his eyes were red
[00:16.510] ' Leave us,' he said to the guards Then he looked at Rilla
[00:23.850] ' Tell me about Kiah When did you first meet him?
[00:30.170] Is Zadak his friend? What do they talk about?'
[00:37.470] Rilla looked down at the floor and said nothing
[00:42.400] ' Come on, tell me!' Gog said angrily
[00:48.190] He waited, but Rilla said nothing
[00:53.250] ' Tell me about Zadak, then
[00:56.100] Your father and Commander Zadak were friends
[01:00.260] Now, you' re talking to Zadak about the AOL
[01:05.100] I know that What is Zadak saying?'
[01:08.960] ' Why? Why do you want to know about Commander Zadak?' Rilla asked
[01:17.860] ' I' m asking the questions, not you,' Gog said
[01:22.960] ' Did you see Zadak yesterday?'
[01:26.050] ' The AOL is important, not Commander Zadak,' Rilla said
[01:33.630] Gog watched Rilla carefully' Zadak is dead'
[01:41.760] ' No!' Rilla cried
[01:46.820] ' He is dead,' Gog said again
[01:51.350] ' You lost your friend, here in this building, early this morning
[01:56.430] My guards shot him'
[02:00.340] Rilla' s face went white' What happened? Tell me!'
[02:05.750] ' I' m going to tell you one thing,' Gog said angrily
[02:12.300] ' I' m going to destroy Australia
[02:15.830] I' m going to burn Zadak' s new forest there You can tell all your friends!
[02:24.310] Zadak wanted to kill me, but I killed him
[02:29.460] He wanted money for rain, money for the AOL, and now he' s dead
[02:37.350] You can tell all those prisoners in prison 888
[02:42.680] They wanted to stop me, but they can' t now
[02:47.230] I' m going to Mars! Bel always wanted to go to Mars'
[02:54.090] He began to hit the table with his hand
[02:58.910] ' I' m going to leave this dead planet! Nobody can stop me!'
[03:06.110] ' You' re crazy,' Rilla said
[03:09.950] ' You killed Zadak, but one day someone is going to kill you'
[03:14.700] Gog stood up His face was tired and he looked ill
[03:21.910] ' Be quiet!' he said' Guards! Take her away Back to 888'
[03:31.080] The guards came in and took Rilla out
[03:35.890] ' What happened?' she asked them
[03:40.610] ' Commander Zadak is dead why is Gog angry?'
[03:47.270] The guards said nothing
[03:49.510] But after they returned to the gate of 888, aguard said to Rilla, very quietly:
[03:58.640] ' Belis dead Zadak didn' t shoot Gog, but he shot Bel, before the guards shot him'
[04:08.080] A guard took Rilla into the prison, and soon she was with Kiah again
[04:15.560] ' What happened?' Kiah asked' Tell me'
[04:20.690] Rilla put her hands over her face and began to cry
[04:27.170] ' Zadak is dead,' she began' He didn' t kill Gog
[04:31.740] He killed Bel before the guards shot him,
[04:38.010] and now Gog is going to destroy Australia'
[04:43.050] Kiah sat down on the floor next to Rilla
[04:48.360] His face was sad
[04:50.750] ' Don' t cry,' he said quietly
[04:56.690] Three or four prisoners came across the room
[05:00.850] ' What' s the matter?' they asked
[05:07.680] ' Zadak is dead,' Kiah said' But Bel is dead, too'
[05:12.350] ' What' s going to happen next?' someone asked But nobody answered
[05:19.300] The next afternoon, Captain Seru' s brother took Kiah and Rilla to a little room at the back of the prison
[05:30.470] They sat down, and five minutes later Captain Seru arrived Nobody smiled
[05:40.500] ' You were right, Captain,' Kiah said
[05:47.690] ' Gog sent us to prison because we told him about the holes in the AOL'
[05:53.850] Seru smiled' You were right, Kiah,' she said
[05:58.890] ' Those satellite numbers were very bad
[06:02.460] I began to tell Gog, but he didn' t listen to me'
[06:06.980] ' Would you like some coffee? And some sandwiches?' seru' s brother asked
[06:13.680] ' Yes, please,' seru said
[06:17.530] ' I' m hungry' she looked at Kiah and Rilla' Things are very bad'
[06:24.990] ' What' s happening?' Rilla asked
[06:29.170] ' You know about Zadak? And Bel?'
[06:33.870] ' Yes Gog told Rilla yesterday,' Kiah said
[06:38.700] Seru smiled, but her eyes were not happy
[06:43.300] ' Gog talked to me this morning,' she said
[06:48.980] Her brother came in with the coffee and sandwiches and Seru began to eat
[06:55.630] ' Gog wants to know about Zadak, and about you,' she said
[07:00.890] ' He' s going to kill us all, I think, before he goes to Mars'
[07:05.950] Suddenly, Rilla felt ill' I can' t eat now!' she cried
[07:14.710] But she took some coffee and began to drink
[07:19.150] ' Let' s get out of here,' she said
[07:23.320] ' Perhaps we can get a plane to Brazil and go to my family'
[07:28.420] ' Difficult,' seru said
[07:30.880] ' Last night fires began in the new forest in Europe, and they' re moving across Europe
[07:40.270] The fires in Africa are burning fast
[07:43.430] Gog began to destroy Zadak' s forest in Australia yesterday'
[07:50.210] ' Did you phone Adai?' Kiah asked
[07:55.430] ' Adai! You never stop talking about Adai
[07:57.320] What can he do?' Rilla said She felt angry
[08:01.900] Seru looked at Rilla for a minute
[08:06.200] ' Yes, I phoned Adai before I came here
[08:10.610] I told him about Zadak and Bel, and about the fires
[08:14.870] He asked about you, Kiah
[08:18.990] He can' t come down at Kisangani airport because Gog is there with a lot of his guards
[08:25.100] Ship MARS 4 is nearly ready and Gog is watching it
[08:30.680] He wants to leave Earth tomorrow'
[08:35.810] ' How can Adai help us?' Rilla asked' He can' t shoot all the guards here'
[08:43.050] Captain Seru finished the last sandwich'
[08:47.240] Let' s leave that to Adai,' she said' We can do nothing'
[08:51.270] ' Are you going to stay here?' Kiah asked
[08:57.650] ' Yes,' seru answered' Adai is coming to the prison after he arrives on Earth'
[09:05.350] ' Oh yes?' Rilla said tiredly' But when? Gog can kill us before Adai comes'
[09:17.040] ' No, he can' t,' seru' s brother said
[09:21.050] ' You can stay here, in this room
[09:25.400] Gog' s guards are all afraid afraid of the fires, afraid of the people
[09:32.380] They aren' t going to look for you here'