[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [00:02.56]CHAPTER 3 CHRISTINE Daaé [00:07.54]Monsieur Firmin was right. [00:10.00]All Paris talked about the new Margarita in Faust, [00:14.07]the girl with the beautiful voice,the girl with the voice of an angel. [00:20.18]People loved her.They laughed and cried and called for more. [00:26.60]Daaé was wonderful,the best singer in the world! [00:32.39]Behind the stage Meg Giry looked at Annie Sorelli. [00:37.51]'Christine Daaé never sang like that before.' [00:41.11]she said to Annie.'Why was she so good tonight?' [00:46.24]'Perhaps she's got a new music teacher,'Annie said. [00:52.33]The noise in the Opera House went on for a long time. [00:56.77]In Box 14,Philippe,the Comte de Chagny, [01:01.44]turned to his younger brother and smiled. [01:04.79]'Well, Raoul, what did you think of Daaé tonight?' [01:09.87]Raoul,the Vicomte de Chagny, [01:12.76]was twenty-one years old. [01:15.05]He had blue eyes and black hair,and a wonderful smile. [01:20.99]The Chagny family was old and rich, [01:23.95]and many girls in Paris were in love with the young Vicomte. [01:28.38]But Raoul was not interested in them. [01:32.42]He smiled back at his brother. [01:35.79]'What can I say? Christine is an angel, that's all. [01:40.91]I'm going to her dressing-room to see her tonight.' [01:44.77]Philippe laughed. [01:46.85]He was twenty years older than Raoul, [01:48.83]and was more like a father than a brother. [01:51.93]'Ah, I understand,'he said.'You are in love! [01:58.87]But this is your first night in Paris, [02:02.04]your first visit to the opera. [02:04.98]How do you know Christine Daaé?' [02:09.30]'You remember four years ago, [02:11.69]when I was on holiday by the sea,in Brittany?' [02:15.42]Raoul said.'Well, I met Christine there. [02:20.53]I was in love with her then, [02:22.79]and I'm still in love with her today!' [02:27.15]The Comte de Chagny looked at his brother. [02:30.89]'Mmm, I see,'he said slowly. [02:35.52]'Well, Raoul, remember she is only an opera singer. [02:40.28]We know nothing about her family.' [02:43.84]But Raoul did not listen. [02:46.77]To him,good families were not important, [02:50.78]and young men never listen to their older brothers. [02:56.36]There were many people in Christine Daaé's dressing-room that night. [03:01.09]But there was a doctor with Christine, [03:03.95]and her beautiful face Looked white and ill. [03:07.93]Raoul went quickly across the room and took her hand. [03:12.52]'Christine! What's the matter? Are you ill?' [03:17.90]He went down on the floor by her chair. [03:21.50]'Don't you remember me Raoul de Chagny, in Brittany?' [03:27.66]Christine looked at him, [03:29.76]and her blue eyes were afraid. [03:32.85]She took her hand away. [03:35.80]'No, I don't know you.Please go away. [03:41.42]I'm not well.' [03:44.39]Raoul stood up, his face red. [03:48.00]Before he could speak, the doctor said quickly, [03:52.02]' Yes, yes, please go away. [03:55.17]Everybody, please leave the room. [03:58.25]Mademoiselle Daaé needs to be quiet. [04:00.79]She is very tired.' [04:04.19]He moved to the door, [04:06.03]and soon everybody left the room. [04:09.40]Christine Daaé was alone in her dressing-room. [04:13.98]Outside in the passage the young Vicomte was angry and unhappy. [04:20.52]How could Christine forget him? [04:23.36]How could she say that to him? [04:26.81]He waited for some minutes, [04:28.74]then, very quietly and carefully, [04:33.15]he went back to the door of her dressing-room. [04:37.02]But he did not open the door, [04:39.26]because just then he heard a man's voice in the room! [04:45.40]'Christine, you must love me!' the voice said. [04:50.94]Then Raoul heard Christine's voice. [04:54.42]'How can you talk like that? [04:56.91]When I sing only for you…? [05:00.06]Tonight, I gave everything to you, everything. [05:04.58]And now I'm so tired.' [05:07.89]Her voice was un happy and afraid. [05:12.48]'You sang like an angel,' the man's voice said. [05:18.89]Raoul walked away.So that was the answer! [05:25.06]Christine Daaé had a lover. [05:27.57]But why was her voice so unhappy? [05:31.31]He waited in the shadows near her room. [05:34.72]He wanted to see her lover-his enemy! [05:40.48]After about ten minutes Christine came out of her room, alone, [05:46.51]and walked away down the passage. [05:49.76]Raoul waited, but no man came out after her. [05:55.81]There was nobody in the passage, [05:58.12]so Raoul went quickly up to the door of the dressing-room, [06:02.52]opened it and went in. [06:05.75]He closed the door quietly behind him, [06:09.17]then called out: [06:11.29]'Where are you? [06:12.92]I know you're in here!Come out!' [06:17.20]There was no answer. [06:19.47]Raoul looked everywhere-under the chairs, behind all the clothes, [06:26.75]in all the dark corners of the room. [06:30.49]There was nobody there.