[Music by Adam Cook; Lyrics by R. Michael Cook] “But when with vows and prayers I had made supplication to the tribes of the dead, I took the sheep and cut their throats over the pit, and the dark blood ran forth. Then there gathered from out of Erebus the spirits of those that are dead…” [- Homer, The Odyssey] Pray for rain to wash away the blood and grease of war. Commit to train the children to slaughter the children of our mothers and fathers. The wheel spun wide, geometry lost its true. The falcon has lost its gloved hand, sinking the heavy ship of all we knew. The center hasn’t fallen away. We have cast if off where all the blood was spilt to call the ghosts. The buried us in the wounded ground; under grass our decay made far too green. Nekyia… We dug a trench in the Rhineland, long as wind, payment for sin. The black ram was brought before the lord of the lower third of afterworld. Slouching towards Bethlehem to be born, the new birth beats on the walls of the womb of the world. Crawling fourth on four, the earth is torn by claws, and two thousand year old horns. Nekyia… We dug a trench in the Rhineland, long as wind, payment for sin. The black ram was brought before the lord of the lower third of afterworld. But instead of its blood being shed, our youth was released into the pit. The victor laid us down in our beds. Thus it was spoke, and thus it was writ. Even the idea of a center is left outside to rust. The sun is falling to dusk on the gyre of the western world. The wheel spun wide…