退廃思想 浮世離れのGrave Discrimination against music 合法の13 The loser who was brainwashed Bullshit Commit suicide in with-it-ness Right now・・・ In front of me! You cannot understand my vulgar thought It is a correct answer It is your duty to train a slave waving a waist Rotten buyer Shame on you! Commit suicide in with-it-ness In front of me! Bravely・・・ Rotten seller Know yourself! Commit suicide in with-it-ness Before that・・・ Suck my dick The industry has been already over The red base All the losers sing a hymn in hell Enjoy a vulgar play さぁ笑え 飛び降りれぬループ 数式に喰われた核 さぁ笑え まだやれるんだろう? 13まであと少し Can't get back A loser of the uncontrollability Enjoy a vulgar play Can't get back