I'm gonna do a quick pelvic exam. The O.B. resident should be down soon. It's a short procedure. Your husband can stay if he likes. We changed our minds. Excuse me? We've decided to keep the baby. You have cancer. Can you tell me I'll survive if I go through with this? Having the procedure does not necessarily improve the treatment outcome. You have quite the bedside manner. You know that, right? My mom died of breast cancer when she was in her 40s. I have that cancer gene. My chances are pretty much lose-lose, whichever way you look at it, except for the baby. We're keeping it. - I'll call down a psych consult. - Don't bother. - I am going to get fat and happy instead of skinny and bald. - Look, if you want to live -- - Honey, that's what I'm doing. -