You make out with patients now? What, are you jealous? I don't get jealous. We had sex -- once. And we kissed in an elevator. And we kissed in an elevator -- once. No, seriously. Go out with me. No. You know, I almost died today. Yeah, I came like this close. How would you feel if I died and you didn't get a chance to go out with me? - Get over yourself, already. - Come on. - It's the chase, isn't it? What? The thrill of the chase. I've been wondering to myself, "why are you so hell-bent on getting me to go out with you?" " You know you're my boss, you know it's against the rules, you know I keep saying no -- it's the chase. Well, it's fun, isn't it? You see? This is a game to you. But not to me. Because, unlike you, I still have something to prove.