We live out our lives on the surgical unit. 7 days a week, 14 hours a day. We're together more than we're apart. George's room is bigger than mine. George After a while... I have more clothes -- I should have the bigger room. ...the ways of residency... - I got here first. - Meredith should decide. ...become the ways of life. ... My room is like two inches bigger than yours. - Number one... - You have a bigger closet. - Why is everything a competition? - Always keep score. - Number two -- do whatever you can to outsmart the other guy. Everywhere else is filled with Meredith's mom's boxes. Meredith? When is your mom coming back to town, anyway? Meredith? Because maybe we can put her boxes in storage. Or unpack a few things -- make this place more homey. Some throw pillows, some lamps, a few paintings. Oh, paintings would be nice. Yeah. You have all this amazing stuff packed away. I found this box with tapes of your mother performing amazing medical procedures. Really? We should watch them. Do you want to watch -- Meredith, do you want some privacy? Meredith, Number three -- don't make friends with the enemy.