Doc! I prefer we stop meeting like this, Mr. Owens. Digby. Digby. So, how's the trumpet playing? Very safe, compared to your hobby. Getting shot is a little more risky. That's kind of the point. He's running a fever. Due to the extra stress on his body from the gunshot. Digby... Digby... the impact of the bullet on your chest fractured a rib and caused a hemopneumothorax. That sucks, I guess. There's blood in your collapsed lung. The price of body art went up since your last gunshot. Ah, no pain, no gain, right? That's one way to look at it. We have that in common, you docs and me. Do we? Yeah, the way you guys push, push, push. When I was wrestling, if you wanted to pin me, you was gonna have to kill me. - Iowa style. - Iowa state style. - Back home, we were sworn enemies. But in seattle, man, we're brothers. So, what are we gonna do about this, um... hemopneumo-durasis? We're gonna insert a chest tube to drain the blood, then reinflate your lung. Oh, please... tell me I get to watch.