I thought you'd be asleep by now. Yeah, well... I'm not. If you wait a few minutes, you can have a piece of cake. Baked it chock-full of love... Actually, chock-full of unrelenting, all-consuming rage and hostility, but it's still tasty. - So, you know? - I know. - Well, do you want the long, sordid version, or the short version, where I started sleeping with a guy who turned out to be my boss? Neither. Izzie, cut me some slack here. Izzie, No. You went to Dartmouth. Your mother is Ellis Grey. You grew up -- look at this house! You know, you walk into the O.R., and there isn't anyone who doubts that you should be there. I grew up in a trailer park. I went to state school. I put myself through med school by posing in my underwear. You know, I walk into the O.R., and everyone hopes I'm the nurse. You have their respect without even trying, and you're throwing it away for... what, a few good surgeries? No. It's not about the surgeries. It's not about getting ahead. Then what? A little hot sex? You're willing to ruin your credibility over that? I mean, Meredith, what the hell are you doing? Oh, my god... you're falling for him. I am not. Oh, you so are. No, I'm not. You so are. Damn it, you poor girl. You know, it's just that he's just so... and I'm just -- I'm having a hard time. Wow, you're all, uh, mushy and... warm and... full of secret feelings. I hate you! And your cake. My cake is good. So, um, how hot is the sex? Izzie... Izzie... What? Come on, I'm not getting any. Help a girl out with a few details.