So. I made it through my first shift. We all did. The other interns are all good people, you'd like them. I think. I don't know. Maybe. I like them. Oh, and I changed my mind. I'm not gonna sell the house. I'm gonna keep it. I'll have to get a couple of roommates, but it's home, you know? 译文(兔子princess提供,仅供参考): 就这样。我完成了我的第一次轮班。 我们所有人都做到了。 其他实习生都是不错的人,你会喜欢他们。 我想。我不知道。也许吧。我喜欢他们。 哦,我改变了主意。我不打算把房子卖了。 我要留着它。 我要去找几个室友,但那是家,你明白吗?