And a row may also be brewing between Australia and Japan - this time over whale hunting! Australia has warned Japan that they will take the country to court if Japan doesn't stop whaling in the Southern Ocean by November. Countries agreed to stop commercial whaling in 1986, but Japan says their kil… 澳大利亚和日本又出现纷争了,而这次的纷争主题是猎鲸!假如日本在12月还继续在南海捕鲸,那澳大利亚将会控告日本。1986年,国际社会达成禁止捕鲸的协议。然而,日本却称其捕鲸行为是合法的,因为他们认为自己做科学研究。澳大利亚总理陆克文对此并不同意,他认为,澳大利亚和日本两国如果在捕鲸事件的停止中没有达成共识,…