In order to grow, to travel new roads, people need to have a willingness to take risks, to confront the unknown, and to accept the possibility that they may 'fail' at first. How we see ourselves as we try a new way of being is essential to our ability to grow. Do we perceive ourselves as quick and curious? If so, then we tend to take more chances and to be more open to unfamiliar experiences. Do we think we're shy and indecisive? Then our sense of timidity can cause us to hesitate, to move slowly, and not to take a step until we know the ground is safe. Do we think we're slow to adapt to change or that we're not smart enough to cope with a new challenge? Then we are likely to take a more passive role or not try at all. These feelings of insecurity and self-doubt are both unavoidable and necessary if we are to change and grow. If we do not confront and overcome these internal fears and doubts, if we protect ourselves too much, then we cease to grow. We become trapped inside a shell of our own making. 为了成长,为了探索新路,人们需要乐意去冒险,去勇敢面对未知事物,去接受他们也许会一开始就“失败”的可能性。当我们尝试一种新的生存方式时,我们如何看待自己对我们的成长的能力至关重要。我们认为自己敏捷、有好奇心吗?如果是的话,那我们往往会抓住更多的机会,更愿意去体验不熟悉的事情。我们认为自己腼腆、优柔寡断吗?那我们的羞怯感会使我们犹豫不决、行动缓慢,不到万无一失绝不迈步。我们认为自己适应变化很慢且对付新挑战也不够机敏吗?那么我们极可能会处事较被动或者根本就不尝试。 我们若想改变自己、有所成长,这些不安全感和自我怀疑既无法避免也很有必要。如果我们不去面对并克服这些内心的恐惧和疑惑,如果我们过多地保护自己,那我们就一定会停止成长。我们会陷进自己营造的牢笼里面。