Can you help us get out of here? A nice deserted island with no extradition treaties? We don't need money. We can live off the land. As much as I'd love to see you spearfishing in a coconut bikini, I had another thought. Were there security cameras on that roof? Bart turned them off. Because he was going to kill you. Who saw you up there? Him and Blair. And I won't say a word. Even if they torture me, I won't speak. I had a different kind of torture in mind. Marriage. Spousal privilege means that a wife cannot be forced to testify against her husband. Not like this, Blair. Why not? We're in love, and one way or another, we both achieved our goals. And every trembling bone in my tired and scared body wants to marry you. It's twisted but it's very you. Jack is right. Chuck and Blair hold hands? Chuck and Blair go to the movies? You said you never wanted us to be boring. Well, we definitely aren't that now. I was a stupid child when I said those things. Life with you could never be boring. Blair Cornelia Waldorf, will you marry me? Yes. Yes, I will. 你能帮我们离开这里吗? 把我们送到没有引渡条约的优美小岛上。 我们不需要钱,我们在小岛上可以自给自足。 我倒是想看你穿椰壳比基尼用鱼叉捕鱼的样子,我,还有个办法。 楼顶上有摄像头吗? Bart把它们都关了。 因为他打算杀死你。 有谁看到你们在楼顶了? 他和Blair。 我一句话都不会说的。即使他们拷问我,我也不会说。 我脑子里想的拷问可不一样。婚礼。 配偶特权的意思是,妻子不能被强迫对丈夫做不利证明。 不能这样,Blair。 为什么不能?我们相爱,而且不管怎么样,我们都达到了我们的目的。我疲惫、害怕的身体里每一根颤抖的骨头都想要嫁给你。 听起来很别扭,但那就像你说的话。 Jack是对的。 Chuck和Blair牵手了?Chuck和Blair去看电影了?你说你永远不想让咱俩无聊。我们现在肯定不无聊。 说那话的时候我就是个小屁孩。 跟你一起生活,不可能会无聊的。 Blair Cornelia Waldorf,你愿意嫁给我吗? 我愿意。我愿意。