Chuck! Stop! What are you doing? I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you. But I'm fine. Because I'm leaving. It's a small price to pay for your safety. But I don't want to be safe. I wanna be with you. Come on. Let's go together. I'll have Dorota send my things. Blair, I can't. I have to go alone. I made a deal. Those were my father's terms. Just have faith in me, this one last time. But I I've waited too long. I need to be with you now. Blair, trust me. Letting me go is the right thing to do. No. Don't get on the plane. Bart has already hurt so many people. I know what my father's capable of, but he would never try to kill his own son. Then do one thing before you go. Kiss me, Chuck Bass. Chuck! 停下,你这是在干什么? 如果你发生什么事,我是不会独活的。 但是我没事啊。 那时因为我要走了。这是我为了你的安全,付出的一点代价。 但是我不想要安全,我只想和你在一起。 来吧,我们一起走。 我让Dorota把我的东西寄过去。 不能这样,Blair。我必须一个人走。 这是个交易,我父亲的条件就是我一个人走。 一定要相信我。这是最后一次。 但是我等了太久了,我现在就要和你在一起。 Blair,相信我。让我走是正确的。 不行,别上飞机。Bart已经伤害了很多人了。 我知道我父亲的手段。但是他绝对不会杀自己儿子的。 那你走之前再做一件事。 吻我,Chuck Bass。