For as long as I can remember, you have struggled between your two natures. I know that you are a beautiful, intelligent, ambitious young businesswoman. But if you want to continue to run my multimillion-dollar corporation, the deviant half has to go. For good! I understand. There won't be an issue. My Grace Kelly can defeat my Grace Jones, no problem. Uh-huh. 据我所知,你一直在这两种本性之间纠结,我知道你是个美丽、聪慧、野心勃勃的年轻商业女性。 但是如果你想继续执掌我价值上亿美元的公司,离经叛道的那一半必须去掉。要永远的去掉! 我明白,不会有问题的。 我的Grace Kelly王妃的一面会击败Grace Jones的一面的。(前者为加入摩纳哥皇室的美国女演员,后者为以雌雄同体形象著称的牙买加另类歌手) 没问题。 嗯哼。