Hey, Serena, wait. Did you just omit someone from our conversation? Like, I don't know, my mother? What are you talking about? Your love life is the one being published on "The Spectator". I had no idea that the story was about him, okay? I gave it to my editor so I could be here with Sage and get to know Steven. Well, thanks to you, we all know him better now. Way to go, Nate. Dad, seriously? Gross. I have no idea why there's a story about me sleeping with your mother. It's not true! Actually, it is. There are two sides to every story, with the truth and Serena stuck smack in the middle. 嘿,Serena,等下。 你是不是忽略了一个你以前交往过的女人? 比方说,我妈妈。 你在说些什么? 你的感情生活被“观察家”爆料了。 我完全不知道这是关于他的报道。 我把报道交给编辑,然后就来陪Sage了。 顺便了解下Steven。 多亏了你,我们更了解他了。 干得漂亮,Nate。 爸爸,说真的,你真恶心。 我不知道怎么会有我和你妈妈上床的谣言。这不是真的! 实际上,是真的。 故事的主人公双方各执一词,孰是孰非,Serena卡在中间左右为难。