What are you doing here? I came to check on you. Gossip Girl's been putting a bunch of stuff up, and I wanted to make sure that you weren't hurt. Why would I be hurt about something that was in your diary a year ago? We've been through so much since then, talked about everything, made amends. Or is there some other reason you're here? Maybe to tell me you and Dan broke up? No, we haven't. I can't play this game anymore, Blair. I spent the whole year waiting for you, I need to move forward with my life now. Of course, you're right. Unless there's something else you need to say. I have to go. 你来这里干什么? 我来看看你。八卦天后发了很多东西,我想确认下,你没有因此受伤。 为什么我会因为你一年前的日记而受伤呢?一年来,我们经历了很多,我们无话不谈,补偿以往。还是你你来这里有别的原因?也许你来告诉我你和丹分手了? 没,我们没有。 我不想再玩这个游戏了,布莱尔。我等了你一年,我现在要过我自己的生活了。 是,你说的很对。 除非你还想说别的。 我得走了。