S05E244 dui hua

Song S05E24-4 对话
Artist 英语听力
Album 绯闻女孩


I am proud of you, son. Lily tells me you'd stepped up, but I had no idea how much you accomplished. Thank you. How was seeing Lily after all this time? I never dealt with such a formidable woman. Made me regret not treating her better. They do require dedication. I assume you're talking about Blair Waldorf. But you two aren't back together? I made a lot of mistakes after you left. I lost my temper. I lost myself. When I finally realized what I'd done, and I had the ring to propose, I was too late. Then she married a prince. Now she's with Dan Humphrey. Or at least I think she is. I don't really know how she feels about either of us. So what are you waiting for? Chance like this don't come around by often. And no one does a grand romantic gesture better than a Bass.
我为你骄傲,儿子。莉莉告诉我你长大了,但是我完全不知道你这么能干。 谢谢,在经过这么多事情之后,你怎么看莉莉? 我从没和这么强大的女人打过交道,我很后悔,当时没有对她好点。 是该对她们好些。 我想你是说布莱尔霍道福。 你们两个没复合吗? 你走之后,我犯了很多错误。我大发脾气,我迷失了自我。当我终于意识到我都做了什么之后,我拿着戒指准备求婚,我迟了一步。 然后她嫁给王子了。 她现在和丹汉服瑞在一起了。至少我认为她是。 我并不清楚,她是怎么看待我跟她的关系的。 所以,你在等什么,像这样的机会可不多。没人能比巴斯出手更大方,更浪漫。


I am proud of you, son. Lily tells me you' d stepped up, but I had no idea how much you accomplished. Thank you. How was seeing Lily after all this time? I never dealt with such a formidable woman. Made me regret not treating her better. They do require dedication. I assume you' re talking about Blair Waldorf. But you two aren' t back together? I made a lot of mistakes after you left. I lost my temper. I lost myself. When I finally realized what I' d done, and I had the ring to propose, I was too late. Then she married a prince. Now she' s with Dan Humphrey. Or at least I think she is. I don' t really know how she feels about either of us. So what are you waiting for? Chance like this don' t come around by often. And no one does a grand romantic gesture better than a Bass.
wǒ wèi nǐ jiāo ào, ér zi. lì lì gào sù wǒ nǐ zhǎng dà le, dàn shì wǒ wán quán bù zhī dào nǐ zhè me néng gàn. xiè xiè, zài jīng guò zhè me duō shì qíng zhī hòu, nǐ zěn me kàn lì lì? wǒ cóng méi hé zhè me qiáng dà de nǚ rén dǎ guò jiāo dào, wǒ hěn hòu huǐ, dāng shí méi yǒu duì tā hǎo diǎn. shì gāi duì tā men hǎo xiē. wǒ xiǎng nǐ shì shuō bù lái ěr huò dào fú. nǐ men liǎng gè méi fù hé ma? nǐ zǒu zhī hòu, wǒ fàn le hěn duō cuò wù. wǒ dà fā pí qì, wǒ mí shī le zì wǒ. dāng wǒ zhōng yú yì shí dào wǒ dōu zuò le shén me zhī hòu, wǒ ná zhe jiè zhǐ zhǔn bèi qiú hūn, wǒ chí le yī bù. rán hòu tā jià gěi wáng zǐ le. tā xiàn zài hé dān hàn fú ruì zài yì qǐ le. zhì shǎo wǒ rèn wéi tā shì. wǒ bìng bù qīng chǔ, tā shì zěn me kàn dài wǒ gēn tā de guān xì de. suǒ yǐ, nǐ zài děng shén me, xiàng zhè yàng de jī huì kě bù duō. méi rén néng bǐ bā sī chū shǒu gèng dà fāng, gèng làng màn.