What could be more interesting than saving my future? Your past. This is all Serena's fault. She said she would fix it. It just made it worse. Go. Not you. I have a new task for you. I'm not comfortable kissing Dan. I'll manage matters of my heart. You find over every secret Serena has. I need the best one, to destroy her. I just hope Chuck and Dan don't see this. For my father's press conference this afternoon, make sure you only have hard sources, the “Times". “The Journal" . No Perez. What is it? This new romance with Dan is fun, but is cultural stimulation enough? What if I never love anyone more than I love Chuck? Looks like someone forgot a D at the end of that word. Guess we just answered who's in Blair's heart. Question is, is there room for two? 有什么比挽救我未来生活更有意思的呢? 你的过去。 这都是瑟琳娜的错。她说过她会想办法补救的,现在越补越糟糕。你们都走。没让你走,我有新的任务分配给你。 我不想吻丹。 我会想办法修复你心灵遭受的伤害。你去挖掘瑟琳娜所有的秘密,我需要用她最不可告人的秘密来摧毁她。我只是希望恰克和丹不要看到这些。 关于我父亲今天下午的发布会,我需要你确保只接待实力强硬的媒体。比如泰晤士报,新闻报,不要让佩雷兹出现。 什么消息。 和丹的新关系很快乐,可是就在文化素养上相互促进就够了吗?如果我不能像爱恰克那样爱别人怎么办?有些人貌似分不清楚现在和过去。我们似乎揭晓了布莱尔心中真正的爱人。